Clemson Division of Research

Applications now accepted for more R-Initiative grants

The Division of Research is now accepting applications for grants under the Faculty SUCCEEDS and Major Research Instrumentation programs. These are two of six R-Initiative programs created to spur research activity at Clemson and open new opportunities for faculty. In the last two years, the university has invested more than $3 million through its R-Initiative programs […]

Nov. 2018: Exploring opportunities to collaborate

Did you know one of the few places in the Southeast where university scientists can print circuit boards is at a Clemson University campus in Blackville, about 30 miles southeast of Aiken? At Clemson’s Edisto Research and Education Center, sensor engineer Joe Maja is able to rapidly design, print and test circuit boards for emerging […]

More funding available through R-Initiatives

The Division of Research will accept applications in the fall and spring for funding under the Clemson R-Initiative programs. In the last two years, these programs have invested more than $3 million in projects involving 161 faculty members from 36 departments representing each college. Submission dates have changed from previous years; additional details are below. […]

Microsoft researcher, Harvard fellow discusses ethics, social media and academic research

Mary Gray, senior researcher at Microsoft Research and fellow at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, talked to Clemson University students, faculty and staff on Sept. 14, 2018, about researchers’ responsibilities when using data collected from social media. Her presentation was part of the Responsible Conduct of Research training opportunities provided to Clemson faculty […]

Oct. 2018: Who at Clemson will lead the next major research project?

When I met Hai Yao he was a junior faculty member with a big idea, and I was the associate dean for research and graduate studies in the College of Engineering and Science. That was 2014. Hai wanted to establish a Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) to revolutionize musculoskeletal health care. The university already […]

The Office of the Vice President for Research and the Research Advisory Board proudly announce the creation of the Researcher of the Year award to recognize the accomplishments of our outstanding faculty members. The Research Advisory Board will select one senior and one junior faculty member to receive this recognition annually. Recipients will receive a $5,000 award. Each College should […]

RSVP by Oct. 25 for Nov. 1 info session on CAREER Development Academy

The Office of Research Development (ORD) within the Division of Research will again be offering its CAREER Development Academy, which guides faculty participants step-by-step to construct a competitive NSF CAREER proposal. Spanning January to July 2019, the Academy comprises workshops presented by former NSF program officers, ORD personnel, CAREER awardees, and external consultants, complemented by small-group writing sessions, peer-review activities, and one-on-one coaching. There will be […]

Office of Research Safety hires four employees

Office of Research Safety hires four employees The Office of Research Safety has hired Laura He as lab safety specialist, Jeff Anthony as industrial hygienist, Chris Weber as chemical and lab safety manager, and Ayman Seliman as assistant radiation safety officer.  Laura He earned a master’s degree in plant physiology from Shanxi Agricultural University in […]

Sept. 2018 VPR Message: Investing in you

Welcome back to campus! I hope you had a restful summer break and are settling into the busy pace of another successful semester at Clemson University. With the rush of beginning a new semester now behind you, I hope you will take a look at several new services and resources the Division of Research has […]

Clemson expands Electron Microscopy Facility with new equipment

Clemson University has installed state-of-the-art combined X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) equipment at the multi-user Electron Microscopy Facility (EMF) in the AMRL building at Clemson University Research Park. This capability has been highly sought by Clemson researchers working on advanced materials, bio-materials, advanced manufacturing, healthcare, digital and information technology and environmental […]

Clemson invests $1.9M in R-Initiatives

The Division of Research has awarded nearly $1.9 million through its R-Initiative programs to support projects involving 67 faculty members from 27 departments. The funding fosters cross-disciplinary, team-focused research and lays a foundation for future success with support for faculty and infrastructure investments to make that work possible. “The R-Initiative proposals were competitive and we […]

June 2018: Don’t rest on past success

In the past four years, we have seen unprecedented growth in our research enterprise. Grant awards hit an all-time high of $109 million in the 2017 academic year, an astonishing 40 percent increase over a four-year period. With two months remaining in the current fiscal year, we have already exceeded last year’s totals, reaching $118 […]