On April 30, 2020, Skip Eisiminger, Professor Emeritus of English gave a very informational online presentation to emeritus faculty. His presentation, “For the Birds” provided an informal celebration and enticement to ornithology by a “bird reader.” While Skip has no formal training in the study of birds, he does
take most opportunities to watch his feathered friends especially on “Nat. Geo.” as much as he dislikes that abbreviation. Mostly, Dr, Eisiminger just reads about birds who continue to amaze him. “For the Birds,” was the crème de la crème of his “bird readings” and assiduous collecting habits over the last forty years. The presentation was attended by numerous faculty and as always involved a lively Q &A session! The Emeritus College appreciates Skip’s enthusiasm for presenting in the new format. Click HERE for the handout from the presentation. Click HERE for video of presentation.