Genetics and Biochemistry News

Faculty Feature: Dr. Cheryl Ingram-Smith, Associate Professor

Dr. Cheryl Ingram-Smith is an associate professor of genetics and biochemistry and serves as the department’s graduate program director. She teaches courses in biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology and her primary research interests include metabolism of eukaryotic pathogens during infection in a human host and enzymology of metabolic enzymes. Dr. Ingram-Smith graduated with her B.S. […]

Luo receives USDA grant

Considering the world’s growing population and less land being available for farming, it’s becoming more important than ever to increase nutritional quality and crop yield of food crops. One way to achieve this is by genetically modifying a plant by introducing a foreign gene (called a transgene) from another organism, essentially giving the plant a […]

Faculty publish articles – Fall 2024

Dr. Kelsey Witt Dillon published “Late Pleistocene onset of mutualistic human/canid (Canis spp.) relationships in subarctic Alaska” in Science Advances. Dr. Shahid Mukhtar published “CD2 expressing innate lymphoid and T cells are critical effectors of immunopathogenesis in hidradenitis suppurativa” in PNAS. This research was highlighted in a Clemson News article. Professor Emeritus Dr. Julia Frugoli, […]

Mukhtar interviewed by Authority Magazine

Authority Magazine recently highlighted Professor Shahid Mukhtar’s work and career journey in science in the article, “AgTech: Shahid Mukhtar of Clemson University On The New Technologies That Are Revolutionizing Agriculture.” The interview for the article is done by Martita Mestey and the questions asked give great insight into Dr. Mukhtar’s life and career. Read the […]

Faculty Feature: Dr. Lukasz Kozubowski, Associate Professor

Associate professor of genetics and biochemistry at Clemson University, Dr. Lukasz Kozubowski earned his bachelor’s and then master’s degrees in pharmaceutical sciences at the Medical University of Warsaw in Poland, whihc is one of the oldest and the largest medical schools in Poland. The first academic department of medicine was established as far back as […]

Smith named campus research director for PHERI

Director of the Eukaryotic Pathogens Innovations Center (EPIC) and professor of Genetics and Biochemistry Dr. Kerry Smith has taken a role with the Clemson University School of Health Research (CUSHR) as campus research director for the Prisma Health Education and Research Institute (PHERI). “In this role, I am able to extend my efforts beyond my […]

Mackay elected to National Academy of Medicine

The director of the Clemson University Center for Human Genetics, Dr. Trudy Mackay, has been named Clemson University’s first-ever member of the prestigious National Academy of Medicine, one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine. Mackay is among the 100 new members currently by NAM members. Election to the Academy recognizes […]

Facutly Feature: Dr. Stephen Dolan, Assistant Professor

Assistant professor Dr. Stephen Dolan studies microbial interactions in human infections, particularly the dynamics within polymicrobial communities that contribute to complex, multi-species infections. Since joining Clemson University in 2023 as an assistant professor in the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry, his lab has been part of the Eukaryotic Pathogens Innovation Center (EPIC) — a leading […]

CHG researchers use fruit flies to find therapeutics for childhood Alzheimer’s

Researchers at the Center for Human Genetics (CHG) in Greenwood, SC are using Drosophila melanogaster — the common fruit fly – to identify potential therapeutics for Sanfilippo syndrome. Sanfilippo syndrome is a rare and fatal genetic metabolic disorder that is often referred to as childhood Alzheimer’s. Children with Sanfilippo syndrome lack a single enzyme necessary […]

Alex Feltus part of study that may connect Neanderthal DNA and autism

Professor Dr. Alex Feltus is part of a new collaborative research study that found some genetic traits modern humans inherited from Neanderthals may increase a person’s susceptibility to autism. The study suggests long-term effects of ancient human hybridization on brain organization and function and could possibly lead to earlier diagnosis. “This is the first evidence that […]