Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Follow Up Friday: Real-Time Conversations & Upcoming Live Training

Online Teaching Highlight: Real-Time Conversations for Final Work Submissions

As we turn the corner on another spring break and set our sights on the end of the Spring 2022 term, Clemson Online invites you to consider incorporating this support strategy for your online students as they prepare to submit final papers and projects. Being available for our students can be one of the most rewarding experiences of teaching and this is no less true in the online environment. Of course, you have virtual office hours for your students so you can be available but we want you to consider adding a designated end of term real-time conversation availability and to promote it in your course.

Real-Time Conversations

Ever had a 10-plus email correspondence with a colleague to still be left with a communication issue? Ever pick up the phone and clarify that issue with a less than 10-minute call? If so, then you should be able to appreciate how a real-time conversation with your online learners could greatly benefit them. This is especially impactful for learners who might struggle with fitting all the directions in an assignment together. Additionally, this could benefit learners who feel that guidance on submitting a final submission (e.g. exam, project, paper, presentation, etc.) would enable them to perform as well as possible.

The goal is to give warm and helpful feedback on what students are working on for their final submission or body of work for the term while also providing encouragement in their abilities.Decorative image. A white calendar with date selected in orange on orange background in top half of image. Bottom half of image is purple background, with an image of Zoom call.

The potential benefits:

  • Clarify any questions about assignment expectations and requirements as well as any concepts that learners will be tested on.
  • Provide feedback after having learners submit a draft of a final assignment.
  • Reduce a learner’s anxiety through clarification, providing feedback, and communicating your confidence in their ability to succeed with warmth. This is far easier over the phone or in a Zoom call.

When a learner’s anxiety is reduced through explanation, addressing questions, conveying warmth and confidence, this provides the best chance that as they work on the final project, they can utilize cognitive functions to execute the task at hand well.

How to do this:

  • Whether you have a large or a moderately sized online section, you will want to make this real-time communication optional.
  • You will want to provide many dates and times to accommodate your learners’ work and family obligations.
  • Provide concrete and specific details about the purpose of the conversation.
    • 10 to 15 minutes to discuss feedback, concepts, etc.
    • Learners should be prepared with specific questions and not expect that this is like a class lecture conversation.
  • Watch this video to learn how to make sign-up slots in Canvas Calendar

Upcoming Live Training

  • Workshop Wednesday: External Learning Tools
    • Curious to learn about incorporating learning tools, textbook quiz banks, or Open Educational Resources with Canvas for your F2F or online course? If so, then join us for a 45-minute workshop where attendees will learn how to use these resources in Canvas and why these skills help us to deliver better pedagogy for learners.
    • Facilitated by James Butler, Digital Learning Strategist.
    • Wednesday, March 30th, from 1:30 pm – 2:15 pm
    • Register in Tiger Training to join us.
  • Quick Hits
    • In part 3 of our 3-part Quick Hits: Group Projects & Canvas Series, we will discuss how Zoom can be used for group work and assignments. Key features will be highlighted, and we will demonstrate how to enable settings to assure your students are prepared for their group interactions.
    • Facilitated by Clemson Online’s Learning Technology Specialist, Axel Ruiz.
    • Thursday, March 31st from 3:30-4 pm
    • Register in Tiger Training to join us.
  • First Friday Coffee & Conversation
    • Join this virtual and informal round-table discussion with colleagues from across campus as we discuss the following topic: What are the benefits to student group work or group projects? This is for anyone (tenured faculty, full-time lecturer, adjunct, graduate teaching assistant) who has been teaching through the pandemic.
    • Hosted by Clemson Online and facilitated by Anne Marie Rogers, Associate Director Learning Technology.
    • Friday, April 1st, from 8:15 AM – 9:00 AM
    • Register here for this event to join us.

Social Media

  • Stay in the know about upcoming training, teaching tips, and tech tips by following our social media accounts!

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