Web Services Blog

Writing for Web Accessibility

Basic considerations to help you get started writing web content that is more accessible to people with disabilities. These tips are good practice to help you meet accessibility requirements.

Acrobat and Accessibility

Although you can create accessible PDF files in several programs, Adobe Acrobat Professional is required to evaluate, repair, and enhance the accessibility of existing PDF files. Tags Pane The Tags pane allows you to view, reorder, rename, modify, delete, and create tags. Many of these actions can be completed more easily using the TouchUp Reading Order […]

PDF Accessibility

PDF files are not typically created in Acrobat. They are usually created in another program and converted to PDF. There are dozens or probably hundreds of programs that can create PDF files, but very few of them produce tagged PDF files. If you are using Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, OpenOffice.org Writer, or Adobe tools such as InDesign, […]

Defining Acrobat PDF Accessibility

Before discussing the accessibility of PDF files, it is important to distinguish between Adobe, Acrobat and PDF. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Adobe is a company; they are the creators of Acrobat. Acrobat is a tool for creating, editing and viewing PDF files. PDF is a format or type […]

Table “Caption” and “Summary”

Caption and Summary Captions and summaries provide information that can help users find, navigate, and understand tables. While they are not required in every case to meet WCAG 2.0, captions and summaries are fairly straightforward ways to provide such information that is often needed. A caption functions like a heading for a table. Most screen readers announce the content […]

Creating Accessible Layout or Data Tables

If you’re not a screen reader user, let’s pretend that you are for just a moment. You’re going to a web site to find out where the biology 205 class is going to be held. You go to a web page that has this information, and this is what you hear: Table with 10 columns […]