Web Services Blog

Size images for branded pages

You can float images by adding the class right or left. Optionally, pair this with the code data-size=”” to specify an image’s size. full – image will fill 100% of its container medium – image will fill 60% of its container small – image will fill 40% of its container HTML <img src=”” alt=”image alt […]

Image Standards and Photography

Image Standards: Images should be used at 100% of their size at 72 dpi for best loading time for the page. JPEG: The better format for posting photography online. JPEG images can contain millions of colors and can be compressed to your desired size. We recommend: Photoshop Quality level 80 — small images Photoshop Quality […]

Home page feature – rotate image on refresh script

This is how to add rotating images to the feature area on your home page. Create a new text file and copy the content in red below into it. Save the file as rotateImageOnRefresh.js and upload it to Cascade. Place it in the same folder as your index page. <!– SET THE MAX FEATURE COUNT […]

Insert and upload at the same time

You can upload a file into Cascade as you are inserting it into your page. (Be sure the appropriate extension is part of the file name: pdf, .jpg or .doc.) Insert an image: Click inside the content region where the image will be placed. For example, if you would like the image to be in […]

Align text around an image

Images can be placed either before or after your text has been added. Click inside the content region where the image will be placed. For example, if you would like the image to be in line with the top of the text, you will place your cursor before the first sentence. Choose the “Insert/Edit Image” icon  from the WYSIWYG editor. […]