Create your pdf form in Acrobat Professional 8 or higher. Acrobat Professional 8 is the first version that provides a feature for pdf form fields to be filled in and saved using Adobe Reader.
A pdf form is simply a pdf file that contains form fields. In Acrobat Professional Version 8 or higher, you can create a pdf form from a blank page, an existing pdf file or a scanned document.
Ordinarily, Adobe Reader users can’t save filled-in copies of forms that they complete. You can now extend rights to Adobe Reader users so they have the ability to fill in and save pdf forms. These extended rights also include the ability to add comments, use the Typewriter tool, and digitally sign the pdf.
Create a new form in Acrobat Pro:
From a blank page:
1. File > Create PDF > From Blank Page.
2. Add text and form fields to manually build the pdf form.
3. Save the pdf form.
4. Choose Advanced > Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader to allow Adobe Reader users to fill in the form and save it.
From an existing pdf:
1. Forms > Create New Form.
2. Choose Start with a PDF document to initiate the New Form Assistant.
3. Choose Continue.
4. Browse for and then select the pdf that you want to turn into a form.
5. Choose Open.
6. Choose Next.
7. The New Form Assistant imports your pdf and prepares it for entering form fields. Choose Next.
8. Choose Run Auto Field Detection if available, to allow the New Form Assistant to scan your pdf and automatically create form fields.
9. Choose Place Fields by Hand if you prefer to create your form fields manually.
10. Choose Next.
11. Add form fields to your pdf file.
12. Save the pdf form.
13. Choose Advanced > Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader to allow Adobe Reader users to fill in the form and save it.
The enabled usage rights are applied only to the current pdf form. You must enable the usage rights each time you create a form and wish to enable Adobe Reader users to save their own filled-in copies of that pdf form.
Once your form is completed you can create a link to it on your Web site, or email it as an attachment. The form can be downloaded and filled in using Adobe Reader and saved with all the information.