The John E. Walker Department of Economics welcomes David Drukker, Paulo Lins, Joseph Pedtke, Adam Soliman, Eamon Espey, Chris Marshall and Gary Shiffman. David Drukker joined the Sam Houston State University Department, where he spent the last four years as an Associate Professor. Before his appointment at SHSU, David spent 20 years at Stata, where […]
Department of Economics
Insights on Bitcoin Holdings: Economics professor weighs in
Gerald P. Dwyer, economics professor and BB&T Scholar examines the U.S. government’s strategic value in holding significant amounts of bitcoin. Dwyer says that while some proposals suggest potential high returns, but proposes that selling the gold reserves might be a more practical approach for the government to reduce debt or adjust fiscal policies. This would […]
Tullock Lecture: The Fabric of Civilization
On April 15, 2024, the Information Economy Project Center hosted Virginia Postrel to give the Tullock Lecture on Big Ideas About Information. She is a world-renowned author, columnist, speaker and Greenville native. Her work spans a broad range of topics, from social science to fashion, concentrating on the intersection of culture, commerce and technology, with […]
April 15 Tullock Lecture featuring Virginia Postrel
The Information Economy Project at Clemson University is delighted to host one of America’s most interesting thinkers and writers, Virginia Postrel. As the former editor of Reason Magazine and long-time columnist for Bloomberg, Virginia writes about social innovation in ideas, culture and fashion. Her lecture at Clemson will focus on her latest book, “The Fabric […]
Recession fears wane as economic outlook slowly improves
Scott Baier, department chair and economics professor, lends his perspective on the current economic landscape in the United States. He delves into data regarding the recession, inflation and the positive trends in the economy. Explaining the differences between consumer perception of the economy, the media’s representation and the actual data, he focuses on the demand […]
Mergers can benefit consumers: Insights from Economics professor
On Squawk Box, Thomas Hazlett, H.H. Macaulay Endowed Professor of Economics, details the consumer benefits of mergers, challenging the perceived skepticism surrounding them. Explaining the case for lighter merger regulations, he uses his expertise to clarify the advantages of reducing regulations. Watch the interview.
Revolutionizing the cellular network landscape: Professor of economics provides perspective on the T-Mobile-Sprint merger
Thomas Hazlett, an H.H. Macaulay Endowed Professor in Economics, speaks on T-Mobile’s merger with Sprint in April 2020 and how it defied initial skepticism. Considering the merger between the two companies as pro-competitive rather than anti-competitive, he states how it reshaped the cellular network industry. Hazlett explains the success of the merger, how it benefits […]
You Can’t Save Low-Cost Flying By Undermining Spirit
Thomas W. Hazlett, H.H. Macaulay, endowed chair of economics at Clemson University, discusses the benefits and shifts in customer experience, service and profits if JetBlue is allowed to acquire Spirit Airlines. Read the full article from Barron’s.
Gerald Dwyer featured in CNN article
“This means more federal tax revenue is going toward interest payments. The obligation ate up about 30 cents of every tax dollar in the first three quarters of fiscal 2023, compared with less than 22 cents over the same period in the two prior fiscal years, said Jerry Dwyer, an economics professor emeritus at Clemson […]
Shubhashrita Basu invited to present at the Frontiers and Economic Analysis with Genetic Data Conference
Former Clemson graduate student Shubhahsrita Basu was invited to present her research at the Frontiers in Economic Analysis with Genetic Data Conference in Chicago on March 10-11. Basu is one of the four post-doc students invited to present their work. After finishing her Ph.D. at Clemson, she accepted a post-doc position at the University of Wisconsin — […]