University Facilities

CU Compost Partners with Boy Scouts on Bioretention Project

This picture shows a group of boy scouts and assisting adults standing on top of one of the finished swales.
This project was conceived and led by a single Boy Scout, assisted by the City of Clemson and CU Recycling.
This picture shows construction equipment positioned behind a large pit from which eroded land was removed.
The City of Clemson removed land from the eroded areas in the park to facilitate the project for the Boy Scouts.

Clemson Recycling had the opportunity to partner with the Boy Scouts and the City of Clemson to create a bioretention basin in Gateway Park along the Green Crescent Trail. Clemson Recycling donated compost for the project, which was used along with topsoil to create a soil mix for filling in space where eroded land was removed. Not only will this project beautify and control erosion in the park, it will create a valuable opportunity to educate the Clemson community about the uses of compost in caring for the environment.

This picture shows four individuals standing with shovels with one of the completed swales behin them.
Members of the CU Recycling Team assisted the Boy Scouts with the construction phase.

The majority of the work took place last week in Gateway Park. The City of Clemson prepared for the project by digging out eroded areas of land, and the Boy Scouts came to the park on Saturday to work. Removing the eroded areas of land made room for swales, which work similarly to gutters, catching all the rainwater. Where a gutter would allow all the water to just pour out and away, a swale catches the water and slowly releases it back to the earth over time. On Saturday, the Boy Scouts worked together to fill in the swales with the soil mix. Soil mix is better than clay because it provides for greater permeability and it promotes a healthy soil ecosystem for future planting.

Projects like this are wonderful ways for the community to be inspired by others showing their appreciation for the environment. According to a Water Resource agent with Clemson University, bioretention projects like this one are great examples of “Low Impact Development (LID) within our Clemson community.” Normally, rainwater would build up and flood nearby roads, parking lots and rooftops. Buildup of water like this can contribute to “erosion and pollution of ground and surface water via stormwater runoff.” Thanks to this project, our water is cleaner, and our landscape is healthier and more beautiful. It’s because of people like those involved with this project that our shared resources can continue to improve!

This picture shows one of the completed swales.
The swales will prove to be an essential and valued contribution to the environment, creating more opportunities for healthy growth while preventing flooding.

Social Distancing in the Classroom

Clemson University has spent the summer preparing a plan for on-campus learning for the coming fall semester. To this end, many changes to how students, faculty and staff interact are being made on Clemson’s campus, particularly in the classroom experience. General best practices such as face coverings and social distancing will be required while indoors. A specific strategy has been developed for academic buildings to meet the university’s expectations for safe learning within the classroom.

An ad hoc team consisting of space planners, building officials, and design professionals from various Facilities departments have been assisting Clemson University Emergency Management, Occupational & Environmental Safety, Building Security Coordinators, as well as the Provost to define how spaces are utilized with the guidelines for social distancing. As part of this, each classroom space is detailed with furniture layouts and chair placements.

Classroom floor plans have been updated to reflect social distancing practices.
Classroom floor plans have been updated to reflect social distancing practices.

This effort determines the number of students a classroom can accommodate while ensuring proper distancing.

Most Clemson courses are a hybrid of face to face instruction with online components. For larger classes to remain in-person, Facilities is helping to find additional spaces on campus that will accommodate large groups while also maintaining social distancing protocol. We have also collaborated with CCIT and academic affairs and the Provost to equip almost 700 classrooms, labs, and other spaces, with furniture, microphones and cameras installed in many classrooms.

This will allow for livestreaming of lectures for online instruction. With the goal of having the majority of classes that have face to face instruction blended with online components, Clemson is working diligently to ensure that this plan meets the medical guidelines for COVID-19 social distancing.

For more information about Clemson’s plan for the fall semester, please see the university’s dedicated website for COVID-19. There you can find up-to-date news, tips and best practices for students, faculty and staff.

Electrical Power Outage – Campus Wide – 5/18/20 and 5/19/20

UPDATE: 5/20/20 10:15AM – Switching is complete.  BRC power has been restored.  Planned outage work is complete.

UPDATE: 5/20/20 9:50AM – Cable tested good.  Switching outage for ASB and Godley-Snell will be at 10AM.

UPDATE: 5/20/20 9:10AM – Cable transition is going smoothly.  Testing cable soon to prepare for switching outage on ASB and Godley-Snell.

UPDATE: 5/20/20 6:55AM – Outage for BRC will begin today at 7:00AM.  The building will be without generator backup during this outage that will last approximately 3 hours.  Godley-Snell and Administrative Services building will experience a one minute outage at the end of the outage work affecting BRC.

UPDATE: 5/19/20 10:00AM – BRC failed to go on generator power and remainder of outage work has been put on hold.  The time for the second outage for Administrative Services and Godley-Snell will be scheduled with those building BSCs.

UPDATE: 5/19/20 7:00AM – Group 3 outage on schedule for 7:30AM today.  BRC will remain on generator back up while transition work is being completed.  Follow-up outage for Godley-Snell and Administrative Services Building expected at 12:00PM.  BRC will be restored to utility power at this time.

UPDATE: 5/18/20 4:45PM – Group 2 power restored.  Work complete for the day.  Next outage for Group 3 buildings tomorrow morning at 7:30AM.  Another update will be sent before outage begins.

UPDATE: 5/18/20 4:20PM – Cable termination and testing complete. 4:30 PM outage for group 2 buildings on schedule.

UPDATE: 5/18/20 3:15PM – Work is progressing slowly in preparation for the Group 2 outage.  If no further issues arise, outage will still happen at 4:30PM, but there is a possibility of a delay for the start of the outage.

UPDATE: 5/18/20 12:55PM – All clear from Duke.  No additional outages are anticipated for Group 1 buildings.  Group 2 buildings on schedule at this time for 4:3oPM outage.

UPDATE: 5/18/20 12:40PM – Group 1 loads transferred successfully.  Final testing on Duke substation protection equipment before releasing us to continue loading should be completed in 10 minutes.

UPDATE: 5/18/20 12:18PM – On schedule for Group 1 outage at 12:30PM.  Group 1 will have a 1 minute power outage starting at 12:30PM.

UPDATE: 5/18/20 – 10:45AM – Power is on to new Switching Stations.  Still on schedule.

UPDATE: 5/18/20 – 7:05AM – Hendrix 1st outage is complete.  Building power is restored.

UPDATE: 5/18/20 – 6:50AM – Everything on track.  First outage for Hendrix will proceed at 7AM this morning.

Clemson University Facilities is working to transition the campus electrical distribution feed from the old Duke Power substation that was built in 1968 to the new substation that was just constructed on the SE edge of campus. In order to transition our distribution feeders and stations over to the new source, a few brief electrical power outages are going to be needed early next week that will affect all of campus. Energization of the new substation feed will occur Monday, May 18th. Outages are expected to last less than one minute each and are being planned in a rolling fashion across three groups to affect each campus building as few times as possible. The latest information regarding this outage will appear at the top of this post.

We’re aware of the inconvenience this may cause to many working from home, particularly those who are connecting remotely to work machines operating on campus power. Desktop PCs that are shut off as a result of the outage will need to be manually turned back on. We recommend using CUapps until this is possible for you to do so.

Areas that will be affected by campus distribution outages are shown on the map below.

2018 Campus Electrical Distribution Coverage
This visual shows the the electrical distribution area for Clemson University.

If you have anything that would be adversely affected by this outage, please contact Bret McCarley at with the details so we may plan accordingly and limit the impact to campus activities.

Rolling Outage Schedule

The first outage will occur in the Hendrix Student Center at 7:00 a.m. Monday, May 18th. Thereafter, outages are being planned in a rolling fashion across 3 groups to affect each campus building as few times as possible. Group 1 loads are currently scheduled to experience a one minute outage at 12:30 p.m. Monday, May 18th. Group 2 loads (which includes the Hendrix Student Center) are currently scheduled to experience a one minute outage at 4:30 p.m. Monday, May 18th. Group 3 loads are currently scheduled to experience a one minute outage at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, May 19th. The Biological Research Center will remain on emergency generator power until new terminations are installed on existing cable and connected to the new feed.  The Admin Services Building and Godley-Snell will experience an additional outage when this cable is terminated and ready for energization (approximately 3-4 hours later).

Group 1
  • Alumni Center
  • Barnes Student Center
  • Barre
  • Botanical Gardens
  • Bracket Hall
  • Byrnes Hall
  • Calhoun Courts
  • Calhoun Mansion
  • Campbell Museum
  • College Of Business
  • College Of Business Construction Power
  • Cooper Library
  • Daniel Hall
  • Douthit Hills
  • Edwards Hall
  • Fernow Street Café
  • Fire Station
  • Freeman Hall
  • Hardin Hall
  • Jordan Hall
  • Kite Hill Recycling
  • Lee Hall I,II,III
  • Lehotsky Hall
  • Lever Hall
  • Long Hall
  • Lowry Hall
  • Manning Hall
  • Mauldin Hall
  • McAdams Hall
  • Old Visitor’s Center
  • Olin Hall
  • Poole Ag
  • President’s Home
  • Redfern Health Center
  • Rhodes Hall
  • Rhodes Annex
  • Riggs Hall
  • Schilletter Hall
  • Sikes Hall
  • Sirrine Hall
  • Smith Hall
  • Strode Hall
  • Strom Thurmond
  • Thornhill Village
  • Traffic Signals (WTC/Cherry, WTC/Sherman, WTC/Calhoun, WTC/Newman)
  • Trustee House
  • Vickery Hall
  • Watt Family Innovation Center

Group 2
  • Band Practice Facility
  • Barnette Hall
  • Bowen Hall
  • Bradley Hall
  • Canteen Hall
  • Central Energy Facility
  • Core Campus
  • Dillard Building
  • Donaldson Center
  • Facilities Buildings @ Klugh Avenue
  • Fike Recreation Center
  • Godfrey Hall
  • Harcombe Hall
  • Hendrix Student Center
  • Holmes Hall
  • Holtzendorff Hall
  • Hunter Hall
  • Isotope Lab
  • Johnstone Annex
  • Kinard Hall
  • Lower Intramural Field
  • Martin Hall
  • McCabe Hall
  • Mell Hall
  • Mikel (Stadium Suites)
  • Nemotode Lab
  • Newman Hall
  • Norris Hall
  • The Shoeboxes
  • Simpson Hall
  • Soccer Stadium
  • Student Union
  • Tennis Center
  • Tillman Hall
  • Traffic Signals (WTC/Williamson, Perimeter/Cherry, Cherry/McMillan, Cherry/Zeta Theta, WTC/College Ave.)
  • Upper Intramural Field
  • Walker Golf Maintenance
  • Wannamaker Hall
  • West Energy Plant

Group 3
  • Admin Services Building
  • Aquaculture
  • Athletics Maintenance
  • Baseball
  • Biosystems Research Complex
  • Brooks Center
  • Child Development Center
  • Earle Hall
  • East Campus Chiller Plant
  • Farmer’s Market
  • Fluor Daniel
  • Godley-Snell
  • Harris A Smith Building
  • Hinson Chiller Plant
  • Hydraulics Lab
  • Indoor Football
  • Indoor Track
  • Jervey
  • Life Sciences Building
  • Lightsey Bridge
  • Littlejohn Coliseum
  • McFadden Hall
  • Memorial Stadium
  • Outdoor Fitness
  • Penley Golf
  • Raw Water Pump Station
  • Reeves Football Ops
  • Rowing Facility
  • Soccer Practice
  • Softball
  • Traffic Signals (Perimeter/Ave. Of Champions, Perimeter/WTC)
  • Waste Water Treatment Plant Headworks

Student Engagement plays a key role in Clemson’s Recycling Program

Our interns are the unsung heroes of Clemson's recycling effort.
Our interns are the unsung heroes of Clemson’s recycling effort.

The Recycling Program at Clemson University provides opportunities to volunteers to learn more about recycling and waste reduction. It partners with Clemson programs and local high schools to engage students through active learning, inspiring them to advocate for recycling and waste reduction in their own communities.

Work Study and Internships

Recycling Services has a number of work-study positions that allow Clemson students to contribute to the program through the collection and sorting of recyclable materials. Students also participate in our Gameday Recycling program, an all-hands-on-deck activity where Recycling staff promote and collect recycling during home football games. As a result of their efforts, tailgates tend to recycle more and post-game cleanup is much easier to manage.

ClemsonLIFE and Pendleton High School
The recycling program at Kite Hill provides valuable work experience to students such as Ty Parris.
The recycling program at Kite Hill provides valuable work experience to students such as Ty Parris.

Recycling Services also offers employment to students from ClemsonLIFE, a collegiate program for students with intellectual disabilities, and to students from the special needs program at Pendleton High School. This opportunity allows students to gain real life work experience that not only prepares them for their futures but also teaches them about the ins and outs of the recycling process.

Creative Inquiry
Pendleton High School teacher Lani Anderson oversees her students as they sort through collected recycling.
Pendleton High School teacher Lani Anderson oversees her students as they sort through collected recycling.

Creative Inquiry (CI) courses are a huge part of the Recycling Program. CI classes have extremely specific topics and are usually centered around the completion of a semester long project. The two offered through the Recycling Program are focused on biodiesel production and food waste recovery. Both courses are valuable educational opportunities that are available to any student with an interest.


Human Factors and Ergonomic Society

Students from the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society (HFES) have been able to work with the Recycling Program on many projects. These include studies on bin signage, surveys on customer satisfaction, and evaluations on ergonomic studies.

HFES has aided our program many times, including with Gameday Recycling and recycling bin signage.
HFES has aided our program many times, including with Gameday Recycling and recycling bin signage.

Clemson’s Recycling Program is dedicated to offering educational opportunities for students. If you would like to learn more about Clemson Recycling and how you can get involved, e-mail or check out our Instagram page at

Construction Info for Returning Students

This post previously included construction information regarding the College of Business with lane closures along Walter T. Cox Boulevard. This project has been completed two days ahead and schedule and WTC is now open.

A few construction projects happening around campus will impact traffic as students return from the winter break. In addition, newly installed gates in front of Brackett Hall will prevent vehicles from entering the core of campus via Calhoun Drive.

Perimeter Road Near the Brooks Center

Diagram showing where construction is located along Perimeter Road near the Brooks Center
Construction is currently located near the Brooks Performing Arts Center.

The campus-wide electrical distribution upgrade continues, with Perimeter Road currently impacted by construction between Cherry Road and Brooks Center Drive. Presently the northern-most lanes along Perimeter are closed, and two-way traffic is being facilitated using the southern-most lanes between Brooks Center Drive and Cherry Rd.

Cherry Road between Bryan Circle and McMillan Road

Related underground utility construction is currently underway on Cherry Road, and with its final phase expected to end on January 8th. The project impacts the usual entrance to Bryan Circle, but a temporary detour is in place in which traffic can turn from McMillan Road onto Epsilon Zeta, accessing Bryan Circle that way.

New Gates along Calhoun Drive

To improve pedestrian safety in the core of campus, boom barriers have been installed along Calhoun Drive in front of Brackett Hall.  Employee spaces along this stretch have been converted to temporary loading spaces for deliveries.

For the most up to date information regarding construction and its impact to traffic on campus, please see our Road Work Google Map.