University Facilities

Construction Info for Returning Students

This post previously included construction information regarding the College of Business with lane closures along Walter T. Cox Boulevard. This project has been completed two days ahead and schedule and WTC is now open.

A few construction projects happening around campus will impact traffic as students return from the winter break. In addition, newly installed gates in front of Brackett Hall will prevent vehicles from entering the core of campus via Calhoun Drive.

Perimeter Road Near the Brooks Center

Diagram showing where construction is located along Perimeter Road near the Brooks Center
Construction is currently located near the Brooks Performing Arts Center.

The campus-wide electrical distribution upgrade continues, with Perimeter Road currently impacted by construction between Cherry Road and Brooks Center Drive. Presently the northern-most lanes along Perimeter are closed, and two-way traffic is being facilitated using the southern-most lanes between Brooks Center Drive and Cherry Rd.

Cherry Road between Bryan Circle and McMillan Road

Related underground utility construction is currently underway on Cherry Road, and with its final phase expected to end on January 8th. The project impacts the usual entrance to Bryan Circle, but a temporary detour is in place in which traffic can turn from McMillan Road onto Epsilon Zeta, accessing Bryan Circle that way.

New Gates along Calhoun Drive

To improve pedestrian safety in the core of campus, boom barriers have been installed along Calhoun Drive in front of Brackett Hall.  Employee spaces along this stretch have been converted to temporary loading spaces for deliveries.

For the most up to date information regarding construction and its impact to traffic on campus, please see our Road Work Google Map.