Genetics and Biochemistry News

Master’s student Woodard recieved Honorable Mention for poster at ASM meeting

At the American Society of Microbiology Joint Branch Meeting of South Caroina (SC ASM) on November 9th, biochemistry and molecular biology master’s student Bryson Woodard received an Honorable Mention for his poster presentation titled, “Construction and Characterization of Transgenic Cell Lines for the Analysis of Glycosome Heterogeneity in Trypanosoma brucei“. Bryson works in Dr. Meredith […]

BCHM students represent at BCMES annual conference

In late October three junior biochemistry students represented the department at the annual Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting (BMES) in Baltimore, MD: James Marturano, Kathleen Doran and Addison Schaff (pictured left to right). Established in 1968, BMES strives to be the professional home for biomedical engineers to assist you in navigating your career path and striving […]

Dolan’s lab attends NACFC

Dr. Stephen Dolan and Ph.D. student Jessica Aycock and undergraduate Mallory Murphy spent three days at the North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference (NACFC) in Boston, MA presenting their research and divulging in CF research from other academics and clinicians. NACFC is amazing learning experience and opportunity to collaborate with other CF researchers. Both Jessica and […]