Dr. Fadi Abdeljawad wins the 2019 TMS Young Leaders International Scholar Award
The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials (JIM) and the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS) established joint Young Leaders International Scholar Programs with TMS to promote young member activities and strengthen the collaborations between TMS and these two international societies.
For this award, TMS, FEMS, and JIM identify one or more young leaders to travel to the other organization’s meeting to present a paper. The chosen International Scholars also spend a few days visiting select industrial facilities, research labs, or universities. On their return, they are required to write an article about their experiences for their host organization’s publication. This award is funded by/through the TMS Foundation.
Dr. Abdeljawad will travel to Japan in March 2019 to present research work on the thermal and mechanical stability of nanocrystalline materials.