During the Spring 2014 semester, eight teams of students constructed manufacturing devices that can produce real parts during live demonstrations in the classroom. These were done with ME 3120 as the target customer (Drs. Martinez-Duarte and Choi served as the primary customers). Further, a former Clemson student, Pavan Kumar, who is a partner in a […]
ME’s 4010 class was featured in UpstateToday’s article “Clemson engineers help elementary school students”. They were challenged to build manufacturing equipment that can be used in fifth-grade classrooms. Allowing the elementary school students to learn about engineering and science with a hands on approach. [Read More]
On December 6, 2013 Clemson University Department of Mechanical Engineering CEDAR sponsored the Clemson Engineering Design Expo (CEDE 2013). This semester the ME 4010 class build eight different manufacturing systems to help bring attention and interest of a STEM education to the students. This expo allowed the students to view these machines working first […]
The week of 12/2/2013 – 12/6/2013 held a few days of ME 402 final project presentations. Earlier in the semester industry representatives tasked them to try and find a solution to a real world problem. During these presentations the students showcased their concepts and solutions to the representatives.
On December 4th, 2013 Clemson Department of Mechanical Engineering hosted the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Honors Research (ME H415) poster and final oral presentations.
On October 3rd the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Council held their Fall Coffee Hour. While snacking on cookies and coffee, the new graduate students enjoyed a presentation given by the current graduate students in ME. The presentation covered topics such as: projects, research areas, advisors, assistantships, jobs, publications, thesis, course work, and gpa. View Photos
On March 4th was the second annual poster competition for ME graduate students sponsored by the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Council. The event was held in the atrium of the Fluor Daniel building to coincide with the External Advisory Board meeting. Students presented their work in the form of posters and explained them to the […]