On June 23rd, the Clemson Rocket Engineering Team competed in the Spaceport America Cup (10k COTS Division) in New Mexico. This year was the best launch for the team ever: The team was able to launch on the first day of the competition, 6th launch of the day, in the third salvo. The team fully recovered […]
Mechanical Engineering student Nicole Zero had the opportunity to intern with Boeing in Charleston, SC. She was able to share some of her experience in this video produced by Boeing. Take a look and see the meaningful, real world experience Clemson Mechanical Engineering students are getting! https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=489765345115770
Clemson ME Student Anthony DiNardi wanted to study aeronautics but this wasn’t available to him at Clemson. So he took advantage of Clemson’s study abroad program to broaden his educational and cultural horizons! Read more here https://www.haw-hamburg.de/english/studyabroad/what-our-students-say/anthony-dinardi.html
On September 21, 2017, the Mechanical Engineering department formally recognized the creation of a new Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Council (MEGSC). The MEGSC’s mission is to represent the views and recommendations of the ME graduate student body to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in a manner that will mutually improve both entities. The three pillars […]
On April 24th, 2015 ME students from ME4010 and ASME gave engineering demonstrations to elementary students during the Engineering Expo. They joined students from other engineering departments at Clemson to give interactive demonstrations to students from local elementary schools, who were on a field trip to campus to learn about engineering and science. Specifically the […]
This award recognizes one student in each of the five colleges at Clemson who has distinguished him or herself in academic scholarship and campus leadership. The academic prowess of this year’s awardee made him a perfect candidate for being the Supplemental Instruction Leader for Mechanical Engineering 2010 Statics & Dynamics course. In that role, Matthew […]