Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Follow Up Friday: What You Love about Online Teaching and Learning

Following our World Distance Learning Day Monday post, we asked Clemson students to share their experience of online learning at Clemson. 

What You Love about Online Teaching and Learning

We asked a few Clemson students to share their experiences with taking online courses. We wanted to know what they find appealing about taking online courses, what their Clemson instructor did to make them feel supported, what they would like to see from Clemson online instructors to improve the online learning experience, and what they would tell their peers who were considering taking an online course. Below is a summary of their responses.

Here is what Sigourney Coker, a senior in Graphic Communications, had to say:

  • What she found appealing was that she “felt much more comfortable being able to express my opinions about the many topics being discussed” which helped her to stay engaged just as if the course were face-to-face.
  • What a Clemson instructor did for her was designate time to chat with each student in one-on-one student sessions to see how they were doing with the lecture material or if they needed guidance on current projects.
  • An improvement she would like to see is more patience and understanding to set a comfortable tone in the course.
  • But for those considering whether to take an online course or not, she shares, “making your presence known [in the course]…allows for you to…handle adversity and gain problem-solving skills.”


An orange banner with the Tiger Drinking Coffee logo and the word COFFEE

Clemson Online has been busy with the start of the new semester! This week you can enroll in COFFEE, the training course for instructors new to Canvas, and COFFEE First Year, which is tailored to train new-to-teaching instructors. Both courses launched on Monday – email to enroll or for more information.

COFFEE lasts through Sunday, October 23rd, and COFFEE First Year lasts through Sunday, September, 25th.

Upcoming Live Training

Workshop Wednesday: Kaltura Best Practices

Now that Kaltura is here, learn about best practices for incorporating it into Canvas to enhance your teaching. This session is intended for instructors using both Canvas and Kaltura to teach courses at any level. Note: this workshop is about best practices and not about demonstrating how to use Kaltura. Join us in person at Cooper 309 or virtually through Zoom. Facilitated by James Butler, Digital Learning Strategist. A Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants 48 hours prior to the day of the event. Contact James Butler with any questions about this session.

Quick Hits: Ins and Outs of Speedgrader Tools

Learn how to use Canvas SpeedGrader to view and grade student submissions. SpeedGrader allows instructors to leave feedback, use rubrics to assign points, and much more. The session will include a walkthrough demo about SpeedGrader and its many functions. Facilitated by Axel Ruiz, Learning Technology Specialist. A Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants 48 hours prior to the day of the event. Contact James Butler with any questions about this session.

For a look at our full Fall semester lineup, see our Events Calendar.

Clemson Online – Where Tech and Teaching Meet