Congratulations to our December 2021 graduates! BS Biosystems Engineering Wesley Cagle, Karli King, Keaton Mauldin, Andrew Shumpert, Lauren Todd, Dustin Trail, Shirin Udwadia BS Environmental Engineering Sydney Ferrence, Allen Gravot, Nicholas Richardson, Bradford Russell BS Geology Brendan Wright MS Biosystems Engineering Elizabeth Flanagan MS Environmental Engineering and Science Emmaline Spier Camposano, Shivani Swamy, Hao Zeng […]
Danielle Larsen, Evan Groome, Curtis McClelland, and Danny Greene are the national winners of the annual WEFTEC student design competition. The 2021 graduates of Clemson’s Environmental Engineering program used their Capstone Design project as the basis of their WEFTEC entry. The project entitled “F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center Solids Processing Upgrades,” was focused on […]
With support from numerous former graduate students, the Benjamin Clay Dysart III Environmental Engineering Fellowship Endowment was formally launched at a ceremony on July 9, 2021 in the Watt Center. Dr. Dysart was a professor in EEES (then named Environmental Systems Engineering) from 1968-1990. This fellowship was created to honor his contributions through generous donations […]
Cody McMechen and Reid Williams were selected as recipients of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) Outstanding TA Award. This award honors undergraduate and graduate students who have demonstrated excellence as Teaching Assistants. Cody and Reid were nominated by Dr. Alan Coulson based on their service as TAs for the GEOL 1030 laboratories, which […]