Beginning at 3 p.m. March 15, A. West Construction will begin placing barricades along Highway 93 to prepare for the installation of a new electrical duct bank at the intersection of College Avenue and Highway 93. The contractor will place the final barricade at 5 p.m., which will prevent vehicles from entering Highway 93 from College Ave. Downtown Clemson will be completely accessible to travelers entering northbound College Ave. from Highway 93. A notable exception are CATbuses that run downtown, which workers with construction flags will direct from southbound College Ave. onto eastbound Highway 93 during this closure.
The intersection is scheduled to reopen April 2, barring any inclement weather conditions, which may delay the reopening. Officials will reassess the construction timeline on March 13. If the forecast allows this section to be completed on schedule, there will only be one remaining closure of the intersection at the end of the project for the final paving of Highway 93.
Sherman Drive
Duct bank construction will also occur during this time on Sherman Drive, however, two-way traffic will be maintained. Traveler access between Sherman and Highway 93 will be unaffected. Officials expect the work to be completed by April 3.