University Facilities

Stop Sign and Crosswalk at Calhoun/Parkway Intersection to be Removed

In anticipation of upcoming construction along Highway 93, a protected left-turn arrow has been installed for traffic flowing westbound from Highway 93 onto Calhoun Drive. The signal will be activated on April 16 and will require changes to the intersection of Calhoun and Parkway Drive which will affect both vehicles and pedestrians.

Stop Sign and Crosswalk will be Permanently Removed

To prevent traffic from stacking into Highway 93, per direction from our traffic engineer, University Facilities is removing the stop sign for west bound traffic at the Calhoun/Parkway intersection. The adjacent Calhoun crosswalk will also be removed.  The other stop signs and crosswalks at this intersection will remain, amounting to a 3-way stop that yields to traffic coming from Highway 93.

Crossing Guards to Aid Pedestrians

Crossing Guards will be posted at the intersection to provide directions for foot traffic and aid pedestrians in safely crossing Calhoun and Parkway Drive.  Please see the visual below for an overview.

Highway 93 Protected Left
Click to enlarge the image above to see an overview of the changes.

If you have any questions about this project, please contact Bret McCarley.