Check out how students in ME 4010 have helped elementary students gain an interest in STEAM by designing/building equipment to provide a hands-on learning experience. Clemson CES news story: More pictures from the expo can be found here:
Congratulations to Spencer Miller! The Kent (’82) and BA Walters ASHRAE Grant-in-Aid was established by Kent Douglas Walters, Class of 1982, and Betty E. Walters. Kent and BA understand the importance of higher education, and it is their desire to support Clemson University students who are pursuing their engineering dreams. The award will provide an […]
On October 16th ME students visited Midway Elementary School in Anderson, SC to volunteer with their “Morning STEAM” program. During their visit they helped the elementary students make something that could fly/glide.
The 2015 ME Graduate Poster competition was held Oct. 23. The posters were grouped in three categories: (1) 1 year or less on the project, (2) More than 1 year and less than 2.5 years on the project, and (3) Greater than 2.5 years on the project. They were displayed in the Fluor Daniel atrium […]
The panel was part of Disability Diversity Awareness Day at Clemson, and an early event for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Month, which is happening throughout the month of October 2015. While Richie was an undergraduate student here he worked on a project to develop a retro-fitted, foot steering system as part of a ME 4150 project with […]