Earlier this month, Digital Learning Strategist Dara Abimbade, Ph.D., presented Best Practices for Designing Online Group Assignments. He suggests using an assignment template to clarify the process and expectations for learners.
Developing an Online Group Assignment Template
Online group work builds student interaction, critical thinking, and engagement. Outside of the classroom collaboration is an imperative skill in society. Group work develops interpersonal skills and encourage the understanding of diverse perspectives.
The group work template will aid you in deriving the skeleton of the group work and planning ahead for group assignments. Decide which course will be appropriate for group work. To do this, evaluate the learning objectives of the course. The top of the template labels the course title, the group assignment topic, and the number of students. Then use the first row of the template to develop specific learning objectives for the assignment. The learning outcome provides the framework for designing and assessing the assignment. The next row is group size. In this section indicate if the groups are going to be self-selected, assigned, or randomly assigned. Define how many students will be in each group and reason that this group size and assignment is relevant.
The next part of the template is where you outline where possible issues could arises. These issues could vary from assignment to assignment and from student to student. Maybe a student faces a technology issue with one project while another student or group has a scheduling issue. Brainstorm where assignment conflicts may arise with the assignment itself and within group dynamics. Strategize a resolution plan for each issue that may arise. It may help to have students outline their own group rules or guidelines in addition to the ones provided by the instructor.
Moving through the template, there is a section that outlines what roles students should assign to themselves for the specific group assignment and the roles that will be assigned via instructor. This keeps students accountable for participating and allows the instructor to monitor participation as well. There is also a place to outline general group ground rules and recommended tools for the assignment. In this section detail what students will need to use or turn in to complete the group project.
Lastly, the template has space for assessment and feedback process planning. Establish a transparent grading criteria for the project. You can attach a rubric to this portion or just outline how the assessment will be graded. Remember to move through this template with the learning objectives for the group assignment in mind to keep it relevant and engaging for the course.

Get Ready for Summer 2024

Do you plan to teach this summer? Clemson Online is proud to announce this year’s Summer teaching initiative. We have timely opportunities for instructors to gain experience in online course creation, teaching with Canvas, and the Quality Matters course improvement process.

Upcoming Events
Quick Hits: Canvas Basics
Thursday, March 7th, 3:30-4:00 PM
Join this training to learn more about Canvas fundamentals! Whether you have a specific question or want a Canvas tool demonstrated, this training opportunity is your time to work with one of our Learning Technology Specialists. When registering, choose whether to have a specific topic covered, enter your question, or both.
Facilitated by our Learning Tech Team.
Registration: Quick Hits: Canvas Basics.
Modality: Virtual and synchronous—an Outlook Calendar invite, with the Zoom link, will be sent.
Workshop Wednesday: Microsoft Accessibility Checkers
Wednesday, March 13th, 1:30-2:30 PM
Join this training to learn more about Microsoft accessibility checkers! Accessibility is crucial in every class. In this training, our Accessibility Coordinator will guide you through using the helpful accessibility checker in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.
Facilitated by Michelle Tuten, Accessibility Coordinator.
Registration: Workshop Wednesday: Microsoft Accessibility Checkers.
Modality: Virtual and synchronous—an Outlook Calendar invite, with the Zoom link, will be sent.
Clemson Online Spring 2024 Events Calendar

Review our Spring 2024 Events Calendar to see what Online Instruction Development opportunities await!
We have a robust lineup of topics and live training formats to support your use of Canvas and other e-learning tools. Topics cover demonstrations of using Kaltura, presentations on group assignments in online courses, and workshops to get your Canvas site ready to teach!
All of our live training is recorded. Registrants will automatically receive a link to that day’s video after it has been processed.
Contact Millie Tullis with any questions regarding these sessions.

Clemson Online – Where Tech and Teaching Meet