Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Follow Up Friday

For instructors using Turnitin, here is the Quick Hit recording on how its new AI detection feature works.

In Case You Missed It

On April 27, our Quick Hit session on Turnitin’s new AI writing detection feature covered the basics of what the new tool is looking for, where to see the results, and how to interpret them. Led by Learning Technologist Gray Jackson, this 20-minute recording demonstrates how to use it to inform your grading of prose written assignments. 

Upcoming Events

Quality Matters for Summer Accelerate

Clemson Online is proud to announce new opportunities for instructors to gain experience in online course creation, teaching with Canvas, and the Quality Matters course review process. They include:

  • Online Course Bootcamp
  • Improving Your Online Course (IYOC)
  • QM Essentials Review
  • COFFEE: House Blend

Please see the full descriptions and registration links at our Quality Matters for Summer Accelerate website.

For applicable participants, these trainings can be listed on annual reviews in the Faculty Success system. Check with your department for specific details. If you have any questions about these training opportunities or any aspect of Quality Matters at Clemson, please email Lori Kinley.

Kaltura Trainings

Monday, May 8

1-1:30 PM: Basics I is an overview of Kaltura and how you can interact with it. It will introduce you to the difference between accessing Kaltura through Canvas and MediaSpace, the difference between My Media and Course Videos, adding an existing video to Kaltura, adding a collaborator (sharing a video), and embedding a video in Canvas. 

2-2:30 PM: Basics II is a demonstration of using Kaltura to create videos. It will cover accessing the Kaltura recorder, creating a video using the recorder, basic video edits, accessing your created video, and adding machine-generated captioning.

Tuesday, May 9

1-1:30 PM: Advanced I is dedicated to creating interactive quizzes in your Kaltura videos. After this training, you can create a quiz in Kaltura, add a video quiz as an assignment in Canvas, access quiz results, and use the Kaltura Dropbox to let students submit videos.

2-2:30 PM: Advanced II focuses on quality pedagogy when using Kaltura. After this session, you will be able to implement best practices for using Kaltura and you will be able to explain how to use Kaltura to enhance your class.

Contact James Butler with questions about these sessions, or register for all four Kaltura training sessions.

Clemson Online – Where Tech and Teaching Meet