Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Follow Up Friday

Here are some ideas for increasing academic integrity in online exams.

Ensuring Academic Integrity for Summer Final Exams

Ensuring academic integrity requires just a little bit of preparation. Read more to learn about the tools that can help. Now that it is the end of the summer term and your learners are hard at work on preparing final projects or essays and studying for final exams, we want to remind you of two […]

Plan for a Stress-Free Finals Week with Clemson Online

Are You Ready for Finals? Clemson Online can help you finish 2021 with less stress! If you need any help getting through Finals Week, don’t go it alone! Our self-enroll Canvas site, the Faculty Resource Center, has a variety of resources to get you through the end of the semester with a minimum of fuss. […]

This Week: First Friday Coffee & Conversation

Don’t Miss the Last FFC&C of 2021 Join Clemson Online for a relaxed chat about exams, end of the year to-do lists, and saying goodbye to the year that was. This Friday, December 3 at 8:15 am, grab your coffee and enjoy a conversation about wrapping up the Fall semester. Do you have questions about […]

Follow Up Friday

Follow Up Friday: Using Canvas for Final Exams, In Case You Missed It, and Upcoming Events Welcome to another Follow Up Friday! As we approach the end of the term, we wanted to bring some resources to your attention as you prepare for final exams. Did you know that there are a couple of Canvas […]

Making Academic Integrity Easy – for Students and Faculty

Looking Ahead to Final Exams with Clemson Online Clemson Online has the tools and resources you need to get prepared for final exams NOW. Get a jump start on ensuring academic integrity and a smooth grading process so when December comes, you won’t be scrambling. Here’s a few things we offer to help you with […]