Clemson Online: Where Tech and Teaching Meet

Follow Up Friday

Follow Up Friday: First Friday Coffee & Conversation, posts you may have missed, and upcoming events

A mug of coffee, seen from above, with a tiger paw design on the surface of the liquid. A purple circle surrounds the cup, with the words "First Friday Coffee & Conversations" in white within the circle.

On September 3, Clemson Online hosted the first First Friday Coffee and Conversation of the 2021-22 academic year. The topic was using tools such as Zoom for exams and how to do so during the pandemic, while balancing access with academic integrity. Our faculty discussed a variety of ideas, including:

  • Allowing students taking exams in the classroom to use one piece of paper for notes and information, then collecting it as an “exit ticket” at the end.
  • Including more higher order questions on exams that require more critical thinking and can’t be easily looked up using Google.
  • Giving exams that are shorter, but with more complex questions, and making it open book and open notes.

We also learned about upcoming Zoom updates that will help faculty give exams in a more focused environment than the typical Zoom meeting. If that sounds interesting, then you need to attend FFC&C! Our next meeting will be on Friday, October 1 at 8:15 am. See you then!

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