You can upload a file into Cascade as you are inserting it into your page. (Be sure the appropriate extension is part of the file name: pdf, .jpg or .doc.)
Insert an image:
- Click inside the content region where the image will be placed. For example, if you would like the image to be in line with the top of the text, you will place your cursor before the first sentence.
- Choose the “Insert/Edit Image” icon from the WYSIWYG editor.
- Click the file chooser icon.
- Select the folder where the image will be saved (such as the image folder). The Upload option is now available from the Browse menu in the upper left corner.
- Click Upload.
- Select the image to be uploaded and choose Open.
- The Select File box in Cascade will contain the path of the file you have chosen to upload.
- Choose the Upload button.
- Choose the Confirm button and confirm that the file has been uploaded to Cascade.
Inserting a link:
- Select the text or image to link from
- Choose the “Insert/Edit link” icon from the WYSIWYG editor.
- Click the page chooser icon.
- Select the folder where the file will be saved (such as the documents folder). The Upload option is now available from the Browse menu in the upper left corner.
- Click Upload.
- Select the file to be uploaded and choose Open.
- The Select File box in Cascade will contain the path of the file you have chosen to upload.
- Choose the Upload button.
- Choose the Confirm button and confirm that the file has been uploaded to Cascade.