CAFLS Marketing & Communications

Extension Digital County Letterhead

Clemson Extension letterhead designAs part of the University 2020 rebrand, new stationary designs have been created and can be ordered through Print Smart. We realize that you also need a digital option, so we’ve created a Word file that you can use:

Unlike the old letterhead files, where you had one file per county, we’re only releasing one file, so you will need to update the footer information with correct phone, address and website information. This will save our team creating and managing 46 versions of the file and it will also give you some more flexibility in terms of using cell phone numbers in place of office numbers if you so choose. If your office does not have a fax number, simply remove that piece.

If you make your footer edits and save the file as a template, you won’t need to make these changes repeatedly.

Do not add any additional logos to the footer and do not delete the disclaimer.

Footer Details

letterhead footer
You will need to update the footer with your county information. Don’t forget to add you county’s name to the URL in place of the word COUNTY. Make sure your county name appears in lowercase text.