CAFLS Marketing & Communications

Printing PDFs with normal margins

Often when a PDF file is sent to a desktop printer, the printer will add additional margins to the printed file. This can add unnecessary and unbalanced white space around the page content. Additional margins can be especially noticeable and irritating when trying to print a folded file like a tri-fold brochure or certificates.

To check or adjust this setting:

  1. Open the PDF in Acrobat and choose print.
  2. In the print dialog box, preview the print settings under “Page Size & Handling”.
  3. By default, most printers will adjust the page size to “fit”. At this setting, extra white space is added to the file’s pre-set margins.
    If you want the margins to print as designed by the native software, change the handling to “Actual size” and the desktop printer will not add white space around the page. Under this setting, the PDF will print with margins as designed.

Screenshot of print preview window in Adobe Acrobat