Engineering and Science Education

Course mapping: A best practice for student learning.

Course mapping is a form of concept map that outlines how students learning objectives tie to assessments. This course organization has many benefits, including providing a guideline for students, a basis for curriculum mapping, a discovery learning gaps, and a resource for accreditations. In this short session, I will review what a course map is, […]

“Exploring Sustainability in Engineering Education: Sustainable Professional Development for Engineering Instructional Faculty at Hispanic Serving Institutions”

Abstract: The AMPLIFY Institute project seeks to make visible the experiences of engineering instructional faculty (EIF) at Hispanics Serving Institutions (HSIs), and to design, implement, and evaluate a leadership development model for EIF by equipping and supporting these faculty at their institutions and beyond. This multi-year project uses a variety of qualitative, quantitative, and participatory […]

Title: A Neurocognitive Exploration of Student Motivation Toward Design Problem Stimuli

Abstract: Prior research suggests the inclination to ‘design and build’ attracts students to engineering, highlighting the importance of design in student motivation toward pursuing engineering. However, students have preferences for the type of design problems they wish to solve as such projects frame their understanding of the engineering practice and could have an impact on […]