Engineering and Science Education

Fall 2015 Seminar Speaker Schedule

Below is the fall seminar speaker schedule. Abstracts and titles for each speaker will be posted with individual events closer to the date. ESED Seminars are held in 109 Rhodes Annex every Friday from 11:15-12:15. September 18: Matthew Boyer, School of Education, Clemson September 25: Nancy Healy, Georgia Tech October 9: Lynn Michaluk, West Virginia […]

ESED’s Julie Martin (co-PI) and Bioengineering’s Frank Alexis (PI) awarded International Research Experiences Grant

The National Science Foundation has awarded Dr. Frank Alexis (PI, Department of Bioengineering) and Dr. Julie Martin (co-PI, Department of Engineering and Science Education) a new International Research Experiences for Student (IRES) grant. The objective of this project is to develop globally-engaged science and engineering undergraduates. To achieve this goal, the grant will provide under-represented […]