Margaret Ann Bolick Ph.D. Student Engineering and Science Education Clemson University There is a growing need to support interdisciplinary STEM knowledge and skills to address 21st-century challenges, yet STEM disciplines are often taught in isolation and removed from real-world applications.This seminar will discuss my experiences as an instructor for a newly developed course that is […]
Greetings, Are you …a Clemson graduate student or professional in STEM? …seeking a competitive edge in STEM education? …looking for opportunities to enhance professional preparation in STEM? …interested in learning more about STEM discipline-based educational research? Please join us for an online information session for Clemson University’s Certificate in Engineering and Science Education. […]
Libby Flanagan is a first-year Ph.D. student in Engineering & Science Education, ESED. She is presently a graduate research assistant with the Clemson NSF Research Traineeship in Resilient Infrastructure and Environmental Systems program, where she is researching how to make a more resilient state of South Carolina. She has B.S. in Biosystems Engineering (2017, Clemson) […]
Eliza Gallagher along with a group of ESED PhD students, UPIC interns, and a student from EEES attended the 14th Annual Tennessee STEM Education Research Conference which was held at Tennessee Technological University on January 16 and 17. Dr. Gallagher and students shared their STEM education research with educators and researchers from other institutions. ESED […]
Dr. Julie Martin is serving as a program director for engineering education with the National Science Foundation. This is a very prestigious appointment and the faculty, staff, and students of the Engineering Science and Education Department wish to congratulate her on her accomplishments. You may read more about Dr. Martin’s appointment on Clemson Newsstand. Congratulations, […]
Dr. Eliza Gallagher along with 22 researchers from across the state of South Carolina will come together to study the way that the state’s education prepares students for calculus, which is a basic requirement for an engineering degree. Please visit Clemson Newsstand, to learn more about this research study.
Paran along with Dr. Karen High and Dr. William Bridges received the Best Paper Award in the Mathematics Division at the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition held in Columbus, Ohio in June for their paper, “Calculus I Course Policy Changes and Impact on Various Demographic Student Group Success”. Paran and her colleagues will formally […]
Congratulations to Dr. Julie Martin, Associate Professor for the Engineering and Science Education Department, for being awarded the Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN) Betty Vetter Research Award. This award was presented at the WEPAN Change Leader Forum in Westminster, CO on June 13. The Betty Vetter Research Award recognizes outstanding achievements in research related […]
The ESED booth on the exhibit floor of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) in June saw a lot of action as many ESED and Clemson alumni dropped by. In Columbus, OH, ESED faculty and students presented 25 papers and posters. Several ESED students celebrated their first ASEE presentation including Kathy Ehlert, Dennis Lee, […]