Engineering and Science Education

Congratulations, Dr. Ehlert

Congratulations to Dr. Kathy Ehlert! Kathy successfully defended her dissertation on Friday, July 10. Her dissertation was entitled “Documenting Student Views on Learning in Co-op”. Kathy’s advisor is Dr. Marisa Orr.

ESED Class of 2020

Congratulations to the ESED Class of 2020, our largest one to date! Drs. Dennis Lee, Paran Norton, Khushi Patel, Victoria Sellers, and Shannon Stefl join a distinguished group of ESED alumni who are out in the world doing good things.  We know that you are facing a challenging time as the pandemic has engulfed us, […]

Congratulations to Anna Marie Vagnozzi

Congratulations to Anna Marie Vagnozzi! Anna Marie was recently awarded the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Outstanding Citizenship Award. This honor is awarded each year to graduate students for outstanding engagement. It is made possible by the Mathematical Sciences Enhancement Fund and carries a cash prize in the amount of $150. Anna Marie recently […]

Dr. Courtney Faber from the University of Tennessee to Present Seminar on April 17

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Kathy Ehlert, PhD Candidate, to Present Seminar

              Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 785 053 891 Password: 720087 One tap mobile +19292056099,,785053891# US (New York) +13126266799,,785053891# US (Chicago)   Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 301 715 8592 US +1 346 248 7799 […]

ESED Research Award Winners Announced

We are pleased to announce that our ESED Outstanding Graduate Researcher award is shared this year by Dennis Lee and Kathy Ehlert.  We have so many excellent researchers in the department that the committee found it very difficult to make these decisions.  Kathy and Dennis are two of our senior researchers who will be graduating […]