University Facilities

Traffic Barriers to be Extended to College Avenue Starting June 25

Below are several updates to the Highway 93 construction schedule. Barriers Extended to College Avenue Road construction traffic barriers are going to be extended on Monday, June 25, to the College Avenue intersection. Traffic along Highway 93 will be one-way only from Cherry Road to College Avenue. At this time, traffic will no longer be […]

Highway 93 to be reduced to one lane beginning May 12

As construction continues on Highway 93 to upgrade the electrical infrastructure and chilled water lines, workers will shift the barricades that are currently on the road to close an additional lane. As a result, only one lane of travel from Cherry Road to Sherman Road (heading westbound toward Seneca) will be available from Saturday, May […]

Sikes Hall Parking Outages

Select parking spaces surrounding Sikes Hall will be closed for utility construction from May through June 2018. The below map gives a general overview of the parking outages, which will be implemented in phases, as well as the dates that parking spaces will be closed. Updates will be posted as construction progresses. Currently, 14 parking […]

Lane closures on Highway 93 beginning April 16

04/20/2016 Update:  Weather permitting, additional barricades will be placed on Highway 93 on Sunday, April 22 to prepare for lane shifting to begin later in the week. Traffic patterns should not be impacted while the equipment is being installed. Anticipated timing of additional lane closures if Monday, April 23. Clemson University has seen quite a bit […]

Stop Sign and Crosswalk at Calhoun/Parkway Intersection to be Removed

In anticipation of upcoming construction along Highway 93, a protected left-turn arrow has been installed for traffic flowing westbound from Highway 93 onto Calhoun Drive. The signal will be activated on April 16 and will require changes to the intersection of Calhoun and Parkway Drive which will affect both vehicles and pedestrians. Stop Sign and […]

Parking disruption near Sikes Hall and Long Hall

Selected spaces in the parking lot between Sikes Hall and Long Hall will be unavailable from March 26 through May 12.  The disruption affects 14 spaces and is necessary to allow for chilled water construction. A chain link fence will be installed around the parking area for your safety. Contact Jarred Fleming with any questions.

Hwy 93 Walter T. Cox Boulevard Lane Closures

Beginning April 15, selected lanes of Walter T. Cox Boulevard (Highway 93) will be closed for utility construction that will last through the summer. While much of Clemson’s main campus is seeing improvements from the ground up, its underground utility infrastructure dates back to the 1960s. Workers will close portions of the road in segments […]

Hwy 93 Lane Closure near Sherman St. Mar. 20-22 (Updated)

Update: Due to a weather delay the closure will span into Friday in order to pave the area where the utility tie-in was installed. A small section of the westbound lane of Highway 93 near Sherman Street will be closed for 3 days in order to establish a utility tie-in for the new College of […]

Community Outreach Presentation Info

A presentation was recently given during a community outreach meeting detailing the upcoming construction work to begin in March of this year. The discussion included impacts to traffic flow, pedestrian safety, transit routing, and approximate timelines for completion of work. The upcoming construction work on Highway 93 will cause lane restrictions between Centennial Boulevard and […]

Calhoun Drive/Fort Hill intersection closed for paving Feb. 24

The intersection of Fort Hill and Calhoun Drive will be closed from 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 24 to allow workers to pave the roadway and perform associated road construction. The paving will take place from Fort Hill intersection along Calhoun Drive to Olin Hall. Calhoun Drive will remain closed from the south […]