Department of Languages

Language and International Health Society

March 3, 2024 The purposes of the Language and International Health Society shall include: Helping students succeed in the L&IH major and prepare for their future through contact with guest speakers, L&IH graduates, study abroad advisors and other campus and community resources; Serving as a forum where L&IH majors can meet and exchange information, ideas […]

Language and International Health Society to host online publishing event

On Thursday, April 14, the Language and International Health Society is hosting an online event focused on helping undergraduate students gain the proper strategies for publishing their work. The event will feature a talk by Dr. Jill D. McLeigh, Director of Policy, Advocacy, and Research at the Rees-Jones Center for Foster Care Excellence at Children’s […]

Hispanic Honor Society- Sigma Delta Pi

The Iota Phi Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society (La Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica), was established on November 14, 1919, at the University of California Berkeley. The Society’s insignia is the royal seal of Fernando and Isabel, representing Castille, León and Aragón. Sigma Delta Pi’s colors are […]

German Honor Society

  The Theta Phi Chapter of Delta Phi Alpha Delta Phi Alpha, the National Collegiate Honor Society (Deutsche Ehrenverbindung), was established at Wofford College on February 28, 1928 as the Deutscher Verein. Members of the Wofford group then began contacting German Clubs on other campuses, which subsequently led to the establishment Delta Phi Alpha in […]

ASL Honor Society

The American Sign Language Honor Society recognizes outstanding academic achievement in ASL studies with three honors: Honor Cords Alice Cogswell Medal Laurent Clerc Medal To receive one or more of the honors, students must meet the minimum eligibility requirements for each, which includes both GPA and community service hours. For any honors to be conferred, […]