Department of Languages

Meet a Tiger: Stephen Fitzmaurice

From the Newsstand: Taylor Summey, Class of 2021 December 10, 2018 This Tiger helped develop Clemson’s American Sign Language (ASL) educational interpreting program, which gives students the necessary knowledge and experience to work with deaf children in mainstream school systems. Educational interpreting is offered in only seven programs across the country. Clemson is the only […]

Spanish students present research

Students in two 3000-level Spanish courses presented their research on literary themes as well as on social, economic, and political topics. SPAN 3040 students Elisabeth Amini, Erin Clark, Anna Corontzes, Kara Donovan, Courtney Grayson, Madison Herin, Sarah Mcerlean, Allie Mchugh, Melissa Pratt, Hannah Reach, Maegan Reed, Keasler Rothemich, Bryson Rudolph, Mary Elizabeth Schaible, and Jacob Stackelhouse […]