A team of four ME 4020 students (now alums!) from Spring semester proposed a solution to their project sponsor, Ryobi Outdoor Products, that led to Ryobi seeking to acquire the intellectual property (IP) rights. Caleb Cassidy, Adam D’Angelo, Drew Girshovich, and Nick Park developed a design to address a challenge from Ryobi concerning their pole lopper attachment. Ryobi found the idea clever and unique enough that they have exercised their option to acquire the IP through the Clemson University Research Foundation (CURF) process.
The team’s contacts at Ryobi commented on the experience by saying, “It was a pleasure working with Adam, Caleb, Drew, and Nicholas all semester long. The team delivered engaging presentations on a weekly basis that detailed their progress on the project and demonstrated how they were applying their knowledge gained through coursework to a real-world engineering challenge. It was great to see the teamwork and level of engagement these four students displayed, especially considering the complexity of the problem they were faced with solving. Their design met all requirements and exemplified the intelligence, creativity, and dedication necessary to develop such an intricate, yet robust artifact. Their work exceeded our expectations, and we are proud to have been involved in this collaborative effort with the university’s senior design program.”
Congratulations to this team!