Physics and Astronomy Blog

Spring 2018 Newsletter is now available.

The Spring 2018 issue of the Physics and Astronomy’s newsletter, Schrödinger’s Tiger, is out! Read all about the exciting developments in all areas of research, as well as keep up with the latest department news. To electronically subscribe or unsubscribe to Schrödinger’s Tiger, please go to our mail list. To receive a paper copy, contact the department […]

Fall 2017 issue of the Schrödinger’s Tiger now available.

The Fall 2017 issue of the Physics and Astronomy’s newsletter, Schrödinger’s Tiger, is out! Read all about the exciting developments in all areas of research, as well as keep up with the latest department news. To electronically subscribe or unsubscribe to Schrödinger’s Tiger, please go to our mail list. To receive a paper copy, contact the department […]

A Message from the Department Chair

Change is coming to Clemson Physics and Astronomy. The creation of a new College of Science is the most significant element of the university’s college reorganization plan. There are both opportunities and risks for Physics and Astronomy in this plan. We will move from the largest college to a relatively small one, with four other […]

Physics Department Incorporated into New College of Science

After twenty-one years in the College of Engineering and Science, Clemson Physics and Astronomy will move to the College of Science in 2016. We will join the departments of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Genetics and Biochemistry, and Mathematical Sciences in the new college. This structure becomes official on July 1, 2016 for business, fiscal, and personnel […]