Physics and Astronomy Blog

Dept. of Physics & Astronomy Tailgate

As football starts up this season, the Physics & Astronomy Graduate Student Organization would like to show school pride and spirit with a tailgate cookout! We will be hosting a Tailgate Cookout! with lots of food and fun and friends and even maybe a little football. Where: Right outside the first floor of Kinard, next to the pendulum\parking […]

Satellite FRET workshop at MAF2019 co-organized by Hugo Sanabria

The 2019 Methods & Applications of Fluorescence meeting was accompanied by a satellite workshop on Advanced Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Imaging with a focus on FRET. The workshop program was based on a bottom-up approach and geared to the specific requests of the attendees. Co-Organizers: Claus Seidel (HHU Düsseldorf, Germany), Hugo Sanabria (Clemson University, SC)