Physics and Astronomy Blog

CNI Graduate Students Among Presenters at 2023 SC EPSCoR State Conference

On April 14, 2023, five Physics & Astronomy graduate students and one CU-ICAR graduate student conducting research at the Clemson Nanomaterials Institute (CNI) presented six papers at the annual SC EPSCoR conference in Summerville, SC. Basanta Ghimire, Evan Watkins, Nawraj Sapkota, Peshal Karki, and Janak Basel each presented their work at this year’s conference. In […]

CNI Researchers Design Device to Harvest and Store Solar Energy

The sun is an abundant — but still largely untapped — energy source. With the push for renewable energy, researchers from the Clemson Nanomaterials Institute (CNI), led by Dr. Apparao Rao, and the Indian Institute of Science have designed a smart supercapacitor using a novel stack of metal oxides — vanadium pentoxide and zinc oxide […]