Physics and Astronomy Blog

CU PandA Alumna Wins Prestigious Award, Postdoctoral Fellowship

     Clemson Physics and Astronomy alumna, Emily Thompson (B.S., 2016) has received an award for her Ph.D. thesis from the ATLAS Collaboration at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. After graduating from Clemson, Thompson enrolled in the Ph.D. program at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) in Germany. Her dissertation focused on the search for long-lived supersymmetric particles. […]

May Graduates, 2022-23 Award Winners, Sigma Pi Sigma Inductees Honored

Department faculty, staff, students, and family members gathered at the Hendrix Student Center Friday, April 28 to honor our May graduates, departmental award winners, and Sigma Pi Sigma inductees. Graduating with Bachelor of Science degrees in May are William Bain, Rohan Chitrao, Natalie Combs, Logan Cruse, Kathryn Evancho, Regan Frye, Stone Gardner, Alexander Pendris, Michael […]