Our students continue to excel! Second year graduate student, Jordan Eagle, has been awarded the Chandra X-ray Observatory Predoctoral Fellowship at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. The Chandra X-ray Center is the Science and Operations Center for the Chandra X-ray Observatory, operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for […]
What does quantum mechanics have to do with a movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Evidently, quite a bit. But do they get quantum mechanics right? Well it’s a comic book movie, so I’ll let you go watch it in lieu of ruining any plot lines. However, the movie has given one of our faculty […]
Work by Clemson faculty has been featured on APOD. The Auroral Zone Upwelling Rocket Experiment (AZURE) aims to understand how the energy from the solar wind is transferred to our atmosphere and gives rise to the aurora. In the process, this experiment generates spectacular views as seen on the APOD post. You can read more […]
Have you wondered what Biophysics is and what Biophysicists do? This is your week to find out! The Clemson Biophysical Society is hosting Biophysics Week 2019 this week. Thursday at 4:00pm We will have a special colloquium in Kinard G01. Mary Elting will tell us about her research on self-organization of the microtubule cytoskeleton. Friday […]
A new paper published by He Huang, a postdoc working with Xian, and collaborators has been featured on the cover of JGR Space Physics. The image shows an ionospheric density map showing a strong asymmetry in the values on either side of the magnetic equator as well as longitudinal structure. Please join me in congratulating He […]
There has been quite a flurry of excitement about quantum mechanics in the news. First there is the paper reported in MIT Review claiming an experiment that “suggests” objective reality does not exist. Massimiliano Proietti at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh and colleagues recreated what is known as the Wigner’s Friend thought experiment in the lab. These […]
Miguel Larsen and collaborators recently published a paper in Nature Communications titled, “Major upwelling and overturning in the mid-latitude F region ionosphere“. The sensitivity of the large antenna and high transmitter power of the Arecibo Observatory radar allows them to observe dynamical structure in the upper ionosphere with unparalleled temporal and spatial resolution. The observations […]
Third year graduate student Meenakshi Rajagopal is spending 6 months at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) institute near Berlin (Germany). She will work with scientists in the DESY gamma-ray group to perform a new measurement of the extragalactic gamma-ray background. This background represents one of most important observables in multi-messenger astrophysics.
Medical Beam Laboratories, LLC, a company co-founded by department faculty Drs. Endre Takacs and Mark Leising, doctoral student Donald Medlin and research associate Leon Zheng, received the 2017 InnoVision Technology Development Award. Congratulations to Medical Beam Laboratories!
A team of Clemson researchers from the Nanomaterials Center may have found a way to improve the range of electric cars. Read the article in the Anderson Independent.