According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), one of the most notable risk factors for type 2 diabetes is obesity. Obesity raises the risk for type 2 diabetes by increasing the body’s resistance to insulin, the hormone responsible for removing glucose (sugar) from the blood and delivering it to the body’s cells for energy. Additionally, […]
Extension Rural Health & Nutrition
Winter’s Toll – Why We’re More Susceptible to Illness
One thing is certain: we are in the heart of cold and flu season. But have you ever wondered why we seem more susceptible to getting sick during the winter months? Research shows that spending more time indoors, dry air, and frigid temperatures could all be to blame. Let’s dive deeper into these factors and […]
Overcoming the “Winter Blues”
The trees have lost their leaves, the sun sets early, and the breeze outside is chilling-we are now in the heart of the winter season. While some love the colder months, others may find this time of year puts a damper on their mood. As the weather turns cold and dark, we tend to stay […]
Prickly Pear and Diabetes
Plant-based dietary additives are becoming more popular as they’re affordable and offer less side effects than some traditional medications. One such plant being used is the prickly pear cactus, which is native to Central America and the Southwestern United States. In these regions, prickly pears have been traditionally used as herbal remedies for their potential […]
Bites Burns Blood: First Aid for Skin Issues Resulting from Being Outdoors
Keep a healthcare professional’s contact information available on your phone, provide healthcare professionals with as much information as possible and keep a list of medications currently taking (prescribed and over-the-counter)
Flu Vaccination
Flu season is in full swing during the coldest months of the year, and it’s time to get your annual flu shot. The flu vaccine is now recommended for everyone ages six months and older.1
HPV Vaccination
HPV is a common virus that almost everybody will be infected with at some point in their lives. In South Carolina, HPV causes over 580 new cancers every year. Fortunately, the HPV vaccine can prevent approximately 90% of these HPV cancers. What is HPV? HPV, or Human Papillomavirus, is spread through skin-to-skin contact and can […]
Covid Vaccination
Updated COVID vaccines are now available across the United States. The CDC recommends that everybody ages 6 months and over should get the updated Covid vaccine to protect against serious Covid disease outcomes.1 For children ages 6 months to 4 years of age, multiple Covid vaccine doses are needed, including one dose of the updated Covid […]