Drew Jeffers
Horticulture and Natural Resource Agent
Spartanburg County
The annual integrated pest management (IPM) symposium in Greer, SC, was a huge success again in 2023. The IPM symposium offers sound, economical, and environmentally friendly pest management topics to landscapers, growers, and other horticultural professionals. Horticulture agent Drew Jeffers holds the training at the Canon Centre in Greer, SC. The training seats typically average fifty to sixty persons, but this past year was in such high demand that it was converted into a hybrid event to meet demand. Six county offices around the state held a virtual live broadcast to reach more stakeholders. Two hundred thirty-two stakeholders attended the training, receiving valuable information and recertification credits for pesticide licenses. Jeffers is working with fellow agents again in 2024 to expand the training to serve more people.