Clemson Extension Upstate District

Welcome to the New Nutrition Educator in Fairfield County: Aaron Swank

Aaron C. Swank, MPH, is an applied epidemiologist working with the Fairfield County Extension Service as a Nutrition Educator under the EFNEP program. His academic background and training include Bachelor’s degrees in both Human Nutrition and Kinesiology (2015). Aaron completed a Master of Public Health at Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS) in 2017. He studied […]

Cherokee County 4-H Clovers in Action

Laura Haddon Cherokee County 4-H Agent Cherokee County 4-H has continued its partnership with the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Upstate by providing STEM activities to the clubs located in Cherokee County.  Youth at Blacksburg, Draytonville, Luther Vaughan, BD Lee, and Limestone-Central Elementaries have experienced Biology and Chemistry through hands-on activities.  During the month […]

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education (EFNEP) – Evelyn Santana

For a very long time, Clemson EFNEP has been The best-kept secret, not anymore. More and more people know about EFNEP programming now. Either because they have participated as learners or because word of mouth is out there. We have successfully recruited and taught adults for the Eating Smart Being Active series. We continue providing […]

Hands-On and In-Person

Chris LeMaster Livestock & Forages Agent Cherokee, Spartanburg, & York Counties Who would have thought that would be the headline of an Extension program? Over the past two years, we’ve seen significant technology adoption by all of our clients as we adapted to COVID protocols. While this provided some unique opportunities to bring in outside […]

Developing Original Clemson University Online EFNEP Adult Lessons

Marlyne R. Walker, MS, RD EFNEP Curriculum Coordinator/EFNEP Specialist Studies have implied that individuals are not always practicable to attend EFNEP and nutrition classes. Transportation, childcare, and fluctuating work schedules have made regular attendance difficult for many. In addition, COVID-19 has created a whole new set of obstacles. It is imperative to offer nutrition education […]

Tri-County Feeder Cattle Sale Evaluation

Brian Beer Area Livestock Agent Cattle producers always try to maximize the value of the calves they market. Group marketing efforts, like the Tri-County Feeder Cattle Sale, provide opportunities for farmers to improve market prices. Clemson Extension coordinated the off-farm feeder cattle sale for cattlemen in the region. Twelve area farmers sold 886 head of […]

4-H Taking Off at a Site Near You

Stephanie Eidt 4-H Youth Development Fairfield County Extension Agent This fall, Fairfield County 4-H has begun revitalizing its partnerships with local community groups to offer hands-on programming for students. The Fairfield County Parks and Recreation and Majestic Academy afterschool programs are conducting monthly engineering missions. So far, we have constructed miniature catapults, built marshmallow towers, […]

Pond Management – Heather Nix

The Water Resources Team continues to provide a variety of resources for SC residents. While questions about ponds may slow down over the winter, maintenance continues to be important. For example, aeration can protect fish by helping prevent your pond’s surface from completely freezing over (see picture). During the last few months, we also expanded […]

Spartanburg Urban Horticulture Going Hybrid – Drew Jeffers

Spartanburg Urban Horticulture Going Hybrid As the state begins to rebound from COVID-19, Horticulture Agent Drew Jeffers is adapting programming to the community’s needs. Data collected from program evaluations showed that stakeholders want options for extension programming. In January 2022, Jeffers began offering multiple platforms to view his extension programs. He has adapted several programs […]

Farmers Don’t Take Snow Days

The pandemonium at the bread and milk aisle must mean we are due for some wintry weather and milk sandwiches. At the time of this blog, forecasts call for snow, ice, and long periods of sub-freezing temps. While this is not uncommon for our area, we have a few more precautions than your average homeowner […]