Clemson Extension Upstate District

Cherokee Cloverbuds

Laura Haddon
4-H Youth & Development
Spartanburg County

Two Cloverbuds dying pancake batter green for Grinch Pancakes.
Two Cloverbuds dying pancake batter green for Grinch Pancakes.

The Cherokee County 4-H Cloverbud Club is for our youngest 4-H’ers, ages 5 to 8.  This club provides a monthly 4-H activity from one of the 4-H Program Areas including Natural Resources, Healthy Lifestyles, STEM, Ag and Animals, and Leadership and Citizenship.

Other club activities have included learning all about cranberries and making cranberry sauce and cranberry smoothies, crafting Christmas ornaments to share with Meals on Wheels recipients, making Grinch pancakes, and building “snowmen” using baking soda and hair conditioner.

Our club year starts September 1st and runs through August 31st.  During that time, we have eight club meetings and Christmas Break and Summer Break Day Camps.

Cloverbud enjoying Grinch Pancake.
Cloverbud enjoying Grinch Pancake.

Our first meeting of the year was held at Thomson Park in Gaffney and was led by a special guest from the Cherokee County Soil and Water Conservation District.  Ms. Sarah Allen, CCSWCD Director, brought her Enviroscape and showed the youth how pollution affects the water we drink and use every day.  After her demonstration the club members enjoyed making edible watersheds.

If any of the 5- to 8-year-olds in your life would like to be a part of the Cherokee Cloverbuds please contact Laura Haddon by email at or by phone at (864) 489-3141.

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