Clemson Extension Upstate District

McCormick County Office Update

The McCormick County Extension Office has been hard at work during the COVID- 19 pandemic. In addition to working with landowners, we have worked closely with our community partners to ensure that McCormick County’s needs were met. We have worked with the school district to assist them with drone footage for their graduation ceremony. We also provided the school district with lesson assistance and ensured that all students and staff were safe by donating reusable cloth masks and hand sanitizer.

The McCormick Extension Office also created an augmented reality sandbox to serve as the partner exhibit for the Smithsonian Water/Ways traveling exhibit hosted at Hickory Knob State Park. This interactive sandbox allowed visitors to get a hands-on learning experience of how landforms and topography impact water. There were over 2,700 visitors to the exhibit that ran from June – August.

  Clemson’s exhibit at the Smithsonian Water/Ways traveling exhibit

The Extension Office partnered with Cornerstone to assist with their drive-through health fair. We created 100 bags that were full of health-related information and school supplies to hand out. We also obtained over 100 boxes of fresh produce to give to the participants. We partnered with Cornerstone again for their drive-through trick or treat, where we assisted them with their virtual costume contest and pumpkin carving contest and provided candy and Clemson footballs to the kids.

Another group that the McCormick County Office has worked collaboratively with is the Chamber of Commerce. We assisted the chamber with the live streaming of their candidate forums for the school board, sheriff’s office, and county council races. We provided live streaming via Facebook live and created a broadcast of the forums for the WCTEL local channel. We also assisted the chamber with the live streaming of the Holiday on Main Parade on the chamber Facebook site. Both the candidate forums and the Holiday on Main parade had over 1400 views

The McCormick County Extension Office has been working hard to do whatever we can do to help ensure McCormick County residents are safe and their needs are met.

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