Clemson Extension Upstate District

Lauren Black Venegas – 4-H Agent Fall Recap 2021 and Upcoming Events for 2022

We have had a busy few months in Saluda County. We started the holiday season off in November hosting Giving at Thanksgiving workshop to 20 youth. We highlighted all programs areas in 4-H during the workshop. The highlight for most kids was making their own pie to take home for their family.

Also, during the month of November, we hosted the afterschool programs at the 4 local Primary and Elementary schools. During this meeting we discussed healthy lifestyles by discussing MyPlate and exercise.


In the beginning of December, we hosted Cooking Club to 20 youth. They made waffle cinnamon rolls, fruit salsa and homemade tortilla chips.


We ended the Holiday season with hosting a Christmas Magic workshop with 30 youth. We set up several activity tables. They made bags to wrap presents in, ornaments, greenery arrangements, decorated sugar cookies, made snow, and made scarves for the local Senior Center. Stephen Pohlman, Saluda Country Forestry agent, came to speak about the different types of Christmas trees and greenery around us.


Congratulations to Avery Quattlebaum and Mya Chapman for being a Blue Ribbon Winner and Midlands Regional Qualifier for the 2022 Senior 4-H Presentation Contest that will be held at Senior Teen Weekend on February 12th.


We have several upcoming events happening with Saluda County 4-H:


February through April we will be hosting monthly cooking clubs and afterschool clubs.

March 18, 2022- Luck of the Irish Workshop- sign-ups will start mid-February.

April 11, 2022- Hoppy Easter Workshop- sign-ups will start mid-March.

Beginning of April Summer workshop schedule will be announced.





Do you home school your kids? Would you like them to get involved in 4-H?

Starting on February 23rd during the day will be offering a monthly meeting from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. We will be highlighting general 4-H activities.


To join the 4-H club it will be $15 dollars. You will also need to register online at If you are a previous 4-H member; please email Lauren Black-Venegas,

your 4-H agent at to get logon information. You will need to be registered by February 18th. We will be meeting February through May. If have additional questions, contact Lauren Black-Venegas or Clemson Extension Office at 864-445-8117.


State Events and Projects:

4-H Junior Weekend – 2022

South Carolina 4-H’ers from across the state travel to Camp Long, near Aiken, SC for the weekend of a lifetime! SC 4-H Junior Weekend is an annual event that many Junior division 4-H members (youth age 9-13) look forward to each year. Youth are immersed in a weekend of activities and workshops organized by the South Carolina 4-H State Teen Council. This is a great way for members to make new friends, have new experiences, and learn new skills through fun and adventure.

The theme this year is “Under the Sea“.
March 4-6, 2022 (Friday evening – Sunday morning)

Must be a South Carolina 4-H Member to register.  Register in 4HOnline. If you register by Dec. 31, the cost is $105.  If you register on January 1 and after, the cost is $125.

The deadline to register is February 11, 2022.

South Carolina 4-H Honey Bee ProjectThis project runs from February through August 2022.

The Honey Bee Project is an independent-study project that engages youth (ages 5-18 years) in the active role of beekeeping, learning the basics of entomology, and gaining an appreciation for the role of pollinators in our world. Youth receive a record book and project-related educational materials with registration.  Non-members will also receive 4-H membership and a 4-H t-shirt with their registration.  Participants will need access to a honey bee colony to manage for the purposes of this project. Bees are not supplied with the project materials.  We highly recommend working with an experienced beekeeper and your local beekeeping associations may be a good resource for you.

Record books will be submitted at the county level for judging by August 5, 2022. County-winning record books in the Junior and Senior age divisions will advance to the regional- and state-level for judging.  Awards will be presented to regional and state project winner


Join us for the 2022 South Carolina 4-H Forestry Clinic!

This is an excellent opportunity for high school-age youth to learn more about forestry and forest practices. During the clinic, youth will gain hands-on experience from Clemson Forestry and Natural Resources Extension Professionals. The clinic will focus on tree identification, tree measurement, compass and pacing, and other forestry skill areas. No prior forestry knowledge or experience is required.

This year’s event will be one day only, on February 26th, and held at Harbison State Forest in Columbia.

Register Here: 


4-H Legislative Day

2022 SC 4-H Legislative Day is scheduled for March 8, 2022. Members, parents, volunteers, and supporters are invited to join us at the State Capital to tell your 4-H story. For more information or to register to attend, please contact Lauren Black-Venegas,



2022 4-H Pullet Chain Project will have registration open January 25 – March 1, 2022

The 4-H Pullet Chain is for youth that want to raise chicks supplied by a 4-H chick order. Day-old chicks will be placed beginning of May and the youth will raise them, participate in 4-H poultry project activities, and complete a 4-H poultry project record book. Registration for the 20224-H Pullet Chain is found on the SC 4-H Poultry Project website and will accept registrations January 25through March 1, 2022. This project is open to youth, ages 5-18, in every county of SC.


2022 4-H Laying Flock Project will have registration open January 25- May 2, 2022

The 4-H Laying Flock Project is for youth that already have a backyard flock or may want to order their own chicks (non-4H pullet order). Youth in this project have the same opportunities as those in the pullet chain. Youth will also complete a 4-H poultry project record book and receive e-newsletters. Registration for the 4-H Laying Flock project can be found on the SC 4-H Poultry Project website and will remain open until May 2, 2022. This project is open to youth, ages 5-18, in every county of SC.


4-H Summer Camp

4-H Club Summer Camp registration is now officially open. For youth ages 7-14. Go to the website for more information and instructions on how to register.


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