Engineering and Science Education

Congratulations to Lisa Benson, the Newest Member of the Class of ’39

Our own Lisa Benson was named the recipient of the Class of ’39 Award for Excellence.  According to the award notification from the President of the Faculty Senate, “this award is the highest honor a faculty member can receive here at Clemson University.”  Lisa will be recognized at an award ceremony at the Carillon Gardens […]

Congratulations, Lisa Benson!

Dr. Lisa Benson, Professor of Engineering and Science Education, for being honored at the Louisville football game on November 3.  We are proud of Lisa for receiving this special recognition.  Congratulations, Lisa!  You may read more about the honor here.

ESED Student Awarded Research Scholarship

Kathy Ehlert, an Engineering and Science Education PhD student, was recently awarded an $8000 graduate research scholarship from the Co-operative and Experiential Education Division of the American Society for Engineering Education.  The funding will support her dissertation work which is documenting student perspectives of learning while on co-op.  Congratulations, Kathy!

Congratulations on Award

Courtney Faber (ESED ’15), with co-author Lisa Benson, won the 2018 ASEE Southeastern Section Thomas C. Evans Engineering Education Paper Award for their paper published in the Journal of Engineering Education, “Exploring Engineering Students’ Epistemic Cognition in the Context of Problem Solving: A Mixed Methods Study.”  The award was presented during the March 4-6, 2018, […]

Welcome to Kelly Lazar

ESED is proud to announcement the addition of Dr. Kelly Best Lazar to our department.  Kelly brings experience in geosciences education research to the department.  As a post-doctoral associate at Clemson, she investigated experiential learning as a mechanism to engage students in geosciences.  Lazar led a group of undergraduate researchers in developing activities based on […]

Kris Frady and Karen High to Study DEEP Engineering Technology

Engineering technology plays an ever-increasing important role in the nation’s infrastructure and capacity for innovation.  In 2014, more than half of all engineering credentials awarded were to people completing engineering technology (ET) programs at community and technical colleges, yet little is known about the role of ET in the workforce.  To study key aspects of […]

Catherine McGough Receives iREDEFINE Award

Catherine McGough, ESED PhD candidate and NSF Graduate Research Fellow, received the iREDEFINE Award from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association (ECEDHA) and funded by NSF.  The award supported Catherine’s travel to a two-day workshop that coincided with the annual ECEDHA conference in Monterey, CA, March 17-18, 2018.  The intent of the award […]

Clemson Board of Trustees Honors Marisa Orr

Marisa Orr received an Award for Excellence from the Clemson Board of Trustees on 2-8-18 for her NSF CAREER award. Connect to .

Rachel Anderson Selected as ASEE ERM Apprentice Faculty

We are thrilled that ESED alumna and current Academic Success Center staff member Dr. Rachel Anderson has been named as one of four nationwide winners of the 2018 Apprentice Faculty Grant by the American Society for Engineering Education’s Educational Research and Methods Division.  Rachel completed her dissertation research with Dr. Julie Martin, ESED Associate Professor.  […]