Engineering and Science Education

Wysheka Austin Receives Prestigious Award

Wysheka Austin, PhD student in Engineering and Science Education, has been selected to receive a Science Spectrum Trailblazer Award at the 2021 BEYA STEM Conference in February. This award is presented by the Career Communication Group’s US Black Engineer and Information Technology magazine, the Council of Engineering Deans of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities, host Lockheed Martin Corporation, and sponsor Aerotek.

Science Spectrum Trailblazers are individuals who not only demonstrate outstanding performance in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics themselves, but also actively strive to create opportunities for others to excel. This award is especially fitting for Wysheka for two reasons. First, she who holds a fellowship from the Southern Regional Educational Board Doctoral Scholars Program, and second, she is researching and supporting Black girls at the middle- to high-school transition to pursue more advanced high school coursework in preparation for college success. In addition to her doctoral studies, Wysheka is the Combustion Repair Cell Leader for GE Power in Greenville, SC.

Congratulations, Wysheka, on receiving this prestigious award.

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