Genetics and Biochemistry News

Faculty and students recognized with honors – Fall 2024

Director of the Eukaryotic Pathogens Innovations Center (EPIC) and professor of Genetics and Biochemistry Dr. Kerry Smith has taken a role with the Clemson University School of Health Research (CUSHR) as campus research director for the Prisma Health Education and Research Institute (PHERI). Dr. Robert Anholt served on NIGMS COBRE Phase 1 reviews – Special […]

Faculty Feature: Dr. Lukasz Kozubowski, Associate Professor

Associate professor of genetics and biochemistry at Clemson University, Dr. Lukasz Kozubowski earned his bachelor’s and then master’s degrees in pharmaceutical sciences at the Medical University of Warsaw in Poland, whihc is one of the oldest and the largest medical schools in Poland. The first academic department of medicine was established as far back as […]

Dr. Julia Frugoli named professor emeritus

In April, Dr. Julia Frugoli, retired alumni distinguished professor of genetics, was named professor emeritus and inducted into the prestigious Clemson University Emeritus College. A Clemson University professor emeritus is a regular faculty member who has served at the university for at least five years and in the academic profession for 15 years, and who […]

Genetics and Biochemistry adds three new faculty to their department

The Department of Genetics and Biochemistry is excited to welcome two new tenure track assistant professors and a new lecturer to their departmental faculty: Drs. Manuel Fierro, Andrew Jezewski and Kristina Mercer. Dr. Manuel Fierro is currently a post-doctoral researcher with Dr. Josh Beck in the Roy J. Carver Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular […]

Alumni Distinguished Professor

Dr. Julia Frugoli was named Alumni Distinguished Professor at Clemson’s recent academic convocation.