Department of Languages

Touya, Eric

Francophone Women Writers: Feminisms, Postcolonialisms, Cross-Cultures. Preface by Maryse Condé. Lanham: Lexington Books Publishing, 2011.

This anthology seeks to introduce women writers in the “global” Francophone world by investigating the place of feminist, postcolonial and cross-cultural theories in interpreting women francophone literature. The book also allows the reader to examine the extent to which women writers reflect or negate the conventional archetypes of Francophone literature, how they reinvent the political, cultural and critical discourse of their time and place, and create their own identity from objectification to subjectivity.

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An, Yanming

Chinese translation of Wilhelm Dilthey’s The Formation of the Historical World in the Human Sciences. 精神科学中历史世界的建构(狄尔泰文集·第3卷)。 中国人民大学出版社。China Renmin University Press, Beijing 2011.

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