Department of Languages

Students present at Focus on Creative Inquiry Poster Forum

Students with their poster at the forum.
From left to right, Megan Courage, Colin Jones, Robert Campos, Hannah Gilliam, Michelle Fuentes, Rachel Rogers, and Danielle Haight with their poster at the forum. Photo courtesy of Gabriela Tissera.

On April 5, students in the Department of Languages presented a project at Clemson’s annual Focus on Creative Inquiry Poster Forum. Robert Campos, Megan Courage, Elouise Cram, Michelle Fuentes, Hannah Gilliam, Danielle Haight, Colin Jones, Rebecca McConnell, and Rachel Rogers presented their research on The Fantastic in Hispanic Film. The project, mentored by Dr. Graciela Tissera, focused on the genre of science fiction and fantasy through films by world-renowned Hispanic film directors.

Students with their poster at the forum.
Rebecca McConnell and Elouise Cram with their poster at the forum. Photo courtesy of Graciela Tissera.

The analysis explored uncanny and marvelous elements related to parallel worlds, urban legends, the Lazarus syndrome, extrasensory perception, and dissociative identity, among other topics, as well as cinematic conventions and themes in fantastic films. With historical, cultural, political, and scientific contexts, the project analyzed supernatural phenomena as presented in films to determine the line between reality and unreality and the gateways between alternate worlds in order to forge an understanding of the unknown.

Faculty news: Awards, publications and more

Gabriela Stoicea
Gabriela Stoicea received the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Gabriela Stoicea, assistant professor of German, received the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. The annual dean’s awards are peer-reviewed by the college faculty awards committee. Each award comes with a plaque of recognition, placement on the list of awardees in the dean’s office and a cash award.

As one nominator commented, “[Her] classes rank among the very best that the university has to offer.  … I found them to be incredibly intellectually stimulating, and other students and I often mulled over ideas from class discussions long after class had ended.”

Another wrote, “She always upheld a certain atmosphere in her classroom that encouraged productive and thought-provoking conversation. She led us as we powerfully worked through seemingly difficult topics, such as societal oppression on the individual or the complexities of moral standards.”

And, from her own teaching statement, Professor Stoicea reminds us all of this very important message: “Contributing to my students’ intellectual formation is a privilege I never take for granted, but one that I work hard to earn every single day.”

Stephen Fitzmaurice
Stephen Fitzmaurice received a grant to establish the first South Carolina Educational Interpreting Center.

Stephen Fitzmaurice, assistant professor of American Sign Language, was awarded $1,011,547 from the South Carolina Department of Education to establish the first South Carolina Educational Interpreting Center at the University Center in Greenville. Clemson will partner with the South Carolina State Department of Education and the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind to open the new center.

The center aims to improve the quality of educational interpreters in South Carolina by providing national skills and knowledge assessments, in-service professional development sessions, mentoring and technical assistance to educational interpreters and local school districts.

“As a nationwide leader in preparing educational interpreters,” Fitzmaurice said, “we are excited to receive this award which will go a long way not only to improving the skills of working educational interpreters in South Carolina but towards improving educational access for children who are deaf and hard of hearing across the state.”

Other faculty news:

Luca Barattoni, associate professor of Italian, gave a lecture at the Department of Cinema and Television Studies at Kadir Has University in Istanbul in December 2016. His topic was “The Relevance of the Neorealist Debate to Contemporary World Cinema.”

Jeff Love, professor of German and Russian, co-edited a new collection, Nietzsche and Dostoevsky: Philosophy, Morality, Tragedy, published by Northwestern University Press in November 2016.

Joseph Mai, associate professor of French, published an article on how a contemporary French novelist uses literary experimentation to explore ways in which humans and animals are defined in relation to one another: ‘“Un tissu de mots”: Writing Human and Animal Life in Olivia Rosenthal’s Que font les rennes après Noël ?’ appeared in Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal: 49, 3. He also participated in the scientific committee and was an invited speaker at the World Cinema and Television in French Conference, held in September 2016 at the University of Cincinnati.

Tiffany Creegan Miller, assistant professor of Spanish, published a book chapter entitled, “Una sociedad fragmentada: la heterogeneidad maya durante el conflicto armado guatemalteco y la violencia de la ‘posguerra’ en ‘Insensatez’” in the edited volume Horacio Castellanos Moya: El diablo en el espejo, published by Ediciones Eón in Mexico and edited by María del Carmen Caña Jiménez and Vinodh Venkatesh. In other news, Miller also presented work on appropriations of Japanese cultural forms in K’iche’ Maya poetry at the Symposium on Indigenous Languages and Cultures of Latin America (ILCLA) at Ohio State University. She also was invited to be a guest lecturer for a medical Spanish class at Brown University to discuss health care initiatives in Guatemalan Maya communities.

Kim Misener Dunn, lecturer of American Sign Languages, co-authored the peer-reviewed article “Early Reading for Young Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children: Alternative Frameworks,” which was published in April 2016 in the online journal Psychology.

Salvador Oropesa, department chair and professor of Spanish, published the book chapter “Lonely Souls in ‘Solo Dios Sabe’ by Carlos Bolado: Pastoralism and Syncretic Spirituality in Times of Crisis” in The Latin American Road Movie, edited by Jorge Pérez and Verónica Garibotto. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 121-36.

Johannes Schmidt, associate professor of German, was lead editor for a co-edited volume Herder and Religion. Contributions from the 2010 Conference of the International Herder Society at the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana (Synchron 2016). The volume includes his own contribution “Light of Nature/Light of Reason. Herder’s and Kant’s Religion Essays.” He is also included in another Herder publication with an article entitled “Johann Gottfried Herder’s Adrastea: History in Relation” (Beate Allert (ed.): Herder: From Cognition to Cultural Science (Synchron 2016).

Graciela Tissera, associate professor of Spanish, presented her research on the supernatural in Hispanic films, “Spirits Trapped between Worlds: The Devil’s Backbone by Guillermo del Toro,” and chaired a panel on film and paranormal phenomena at the Film and History Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in October 2016. Tissera’s students, Jodie Holodak and Rebecca McConnell, participated in the panel to discuss their Creative Inquiry projects related to health and business topics in film and media. Tissera also attended the Film and Literature Conference organized by the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina in November 2016 to present her research paper entitled “Theories of Knowledge in the Fiction of Borges and Cortázar.”

Eric Touya, associate professor of French, published The Case for the Humanities: Pedagogy, Polity, Interdisciplinarity. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, December 2016. Countering the perception that the humanities are unessential, this volume contends that their well-being has not only academic but also cultural, political, and existential ramifications.

Language clubs offer fun, games and food at International Festival

The International Festival is an annual event that symbolizes Clemson’s commitment to celebrating identities and cultures from around the world. The festival features ethnic-based foods, local craft and non-profit vendors, and entertainment and activities for all ages. The festival is hosted by the Harvey and Lucinda Gantt Multicultural Center.

Coloring activities for children at the French Club booth. Photo courtesy of Michelle Koval.
Coloring activities for children at the French Club booth. Photo courtesy of Michelle Koval.
A game of pin the flag on the Eiffel Tower at the French Club booth. Photo courtesy of Michelle Koval.
A game of pin the flag on the Eiffel Tower at the French Club booth. Photo courtesy of Michelle Koval.








This year’s festival was held April 9 at Bowman Field. Several student-run language clubs had booths with activities and food. The Spanish Club sold nachos and T-shirts, while the French Club had coloring sheets for children and a game of pin the flag on the Eiffel Tower. The Japanese Cultural Association offered traditional Japanese food at their booth. Festival attendees also learned more about the Department of Languages‘s activities for students throughout the semester.

The Spanish Club booth. Photo courtesy of Mirelly Buitrago.
The Spanish Club booth. Photo courtesy of Mirelly Buitrago.
The Japanese Cultural Association booth at the International Festival. Photo courtesy of Jae Takeuchi.
The Japanese Cultural Association booth. Photo courtesy of Jae Takeuchi.



Students receive awards at annual CAAH ceremony

The following Department of Languages students were honored at the 2016-2017 College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities (CAAH) Honors and Awards Ceremony on April 7 in the Brooks Center Theatre. Congratulations!

See all the photos from the event here.


Linda Wilson – Gallaudet/Clerc Award for Excellence in American Sign Language

The award is given to a student who has demonstrated outstanding expressive and receptive skills in American Sign Language, understanding and appreciation of deaf culture, and has promoted the awareness of American Sign Language both on and off campus.

Award winner Hilda Chan with CAAH Dean Richard Goodstein Chair of the Department of Languages Salvador Oropesa.
Award winner Hilda Chan (center) with CAAH Dean Richard Goodstein (left) and Chair of the Department of Languages Salvador Oropesa (right). Photo courtesy of Clemson University.

David Kwietniewski (beginner) & Hilda Chan (achievement) – Clemson Chinese Laoshi Awards

Two students from the Chinese language program receive prizes in the amounts of $100 (Best Beginner in Chinese Language Study) and $200 (Best Achievement in the Chinese Program).

Olivia Haddad & Donald McKinnon Reece – Pacific Gateway Award for Excellence in Chinese

The Pacific Gateway Capital LLC contributes an annual award of merit with a cash prize to a junior or senior for outstanding achievement in the study of the Chinese language.


Joseph Willis – American Association of Teachers French Award

The French faculty of the Department of Languages annually awards a medal from the American Association of the Teachers of French and a certificate of merit in recognition of outstanding achievement in the study of French language and literature.

Award winner Joseph Willis with CAAH Dean Richard Goodstein Chair of the Department of Languages Salvador Oropesa.
Award winner Joseph Willis (center) with CAAH Dean Richard Goodstein (left) and Chair of the Department of Languages Salvador Oropesa (right). Photo courtesy of Clemson University.

Danielle Ayer – Jordan Dean Award in French

This award is given to a student in French studies for outstanding academic achievement.


Melissa Manning – Clemson University German Club Award

The German Club presents a certificate to recognize outstanding contributions to the extra-curricular cultural programs in German at Clemson.

Sarah Waldvogel – Draexlmaier Language Award

Funded by DAA Draexlmaier Automotive of America (Duncan, SC), this cash award recognizes a multi-faceted student who has attained exceptional language proficiency in German.


Sarah Marshall – Coccia Foundation Annual Award

The Italian faculty annually presents this cash award to an Italian major in recognition of outstanding achievement in the study of Italian language and literature.


Nicholas M. West – American Association of Teachers Spanish & Portuguese Award

The Spanish faculty presents a medal from the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and a certificate to recognize outstanding achievement in the study of Spanish language and literature.

Award winner Michelle Fuentes with CAAH Dean Richard Goodstein Chair of the Department of Languages Salvador Oropesa. Photo courtesy of Clemson University.
Award winner Michelle Fuentes (center) with CAAH Dean Richard Goodstein (left) and Chair of the Department of Languages Salvador Oropesa (right). Photo courtesy of Clemson University.

Rebecca Lynn McConnell – Language and International Health Academic Honor Award

The Language and International Health Society gives this award to a Language and International Health major who demonstrates ability to perform, achieve, and excel in scholastic activities.

Emily W. Blackshire – Language and International Health Award of Excellence

The award is given to a senior Language and International Health major for outstanding academic achievements, professional conduct, and unconditional service to multicultural communities.

Elouise Giroux Cram & Michelle Fuentes – Language and International Health Award of Excellence in Research

The award is given to a Language and International Health major for outstanding academic research on international health topics.


Caroline Rubino – The John Bednar Award of Excellence in French and International Trade

The Language and International Trade – French faculty annually awards a Language and International Trade – French student in recognition of outstanding achievement in the study of French and international trade.

Caroline Winbleton – Dr. Wannamaker Languages & International Trade Annual Award of Excellence

The purpose of the fund is to honor an outstanding senior majoring in Language and International Trade who has the highest overall GPA. In case of a tie, the selection is based on meritorious service to the department.

Department representatives inducted into CAAH Hall of Fame

The College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities inducted 17 founding members of a new Hall of Fame celebrating alumni, faculty and friends who have made a significant impact upon the educational, research and/or service goals of the college. The induction ceremony was held March 31 at the Madren Conference Center, with 14 of the new members present.

“It was an extraordinary opportunity having so much talent, so much achievement and so much commitment in one room,” said Richard Goodstein, dean of the college. “Each member of this inaugural class will continue to serve as a beacon for all who come afterward. Each and every one will be a very tough act to follow.”

Drs. Ralph Rynes and Patricia (Pat) Wannamaker became the first representatives of the Department of Languages honored at this inaugural ceremony.

Ralph Rynes
CAAH Hall of Fame inductee Ralph Rynes. Photo courtesy of Ralph Rynes.

Prior to his retirement, Dr. Ralph Rynes was a board-certified physician with over 30 years’ experience in treating the neurological aspects of Infectious Diseases. He worked primarily with individuals living with HIV and co-occurring mental health or substance use disorders. He earned a B.A. at Clemson University and an M.A. at the Universität Hamburg in Germany before completing his Doctoral degrees (MD and Ph.D.) at l’Université Denis Diderot. Dr. Rynes completed clinical and research residencies in Neurology and Neuroscience at l’Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris, France, followed by post-doctoral research in Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

He specialized in Prion diseases and in the treatment of HIV and Hepatitis C as well as the neurobiology of substance use disorders, practicing at the Immunology Center of the USC School of Medicine, the largest infectious diseases clinic in South Carolina.

Additionally, Dr. Rynes provided cultural sensitivity training to other physicians and support staff on Latino, French-speaking African refugee, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender treatment nuances, in addition to providing HIV/AIDS training and cultural sensitivity training for SC Alcohol and Drug Commissions, SC and other state’s Primary Healthcare Associations, the National Association of Addictions Counselors, the SC Health Information Management Association, SC DHEC and a host of national organizations.

He now volunteers with Doctors Without Borders in a consulting capacity, and continues to work to mitigate the stigma associated with HIV, Hepatitis C, and mental health and substance use disorders in the U.S. and in Western Europe.

Special interests include Prion diseases, the neurochemical pathways of addiction and specialized treatment issues in LGBT and Latino and African refugee populations.

Prior to retirement, he served on numerous national and international Boards, as well as serving on and chairing the Boards of the Columbia Free Medical Clinic and the Columbia Oral Health Clinic.

Of his induction into the Hall of Fame, Dr. Rynes said, “As a senior at Clemson, I had already forged my career path: MS and PhD at Georgetown, where I had already been accepted, followed by a career teaching Foreign Affairs on the university level. But Dr. Margit Sinka, my German professor at the time, changed all that by encouraging me to apply for a Fellowship to study in Germany. I was accepted, beginning a relationship with Europe and Europeans that continues to this day. I cannot imagine what my life would be like had I not had the opportunity and the encouragement to live and study in other countries. My life is so much richer and satisfying than I could ever have imagined, all thanks to a very intuitive and highly motivated Clemson professor.”

Professor emeritus Pat Wannamaker (center) is inducted at the CAAH Hall of Fame Ceremony. Presenting her with the award are CAAH Dean Richard Goodstein (left) and Chair of the Department of Languages Salvador Oropesa (right). Photo courtesy of Clemson University.
Professor emeritus Pat Wannamaker (center) is inducted at the CAAH Hall of Fame Ceremony. Presenting her with the award are CAAH Dean Richard Goodstein (left) and Chair of the Department of Languages Salvador Oropesa (right). Photo courtesy of Clemson University.

Dr. Patricia W. Wannamaker received both her B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of South Carolina in Columbia. She taught English and German for nine years in secondary schools in the state before finishing her Ph.D. in German and linguistics at Louisiana State University in 1964.

Dr. Wannamaker finished a twenty-five year teaching career at Clemson as founding Director of the Language and International Trade (L&IT) baccalaureate degree program under the funding of the Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE).

During Dr. Wannamaker’s time at Clemson, the undergraduate business curricula was generally restricted to 12 hours or fewer of electives that could be used in language study. Dr. Wannamaker knew a Liberal Arts B.A. was the answer!

Studies show that liberal arts grads are well prepared to succeed in business. She envisioned a Clemson L&IT degree that would combine humanistic and technical learning to develop cultural sensitivity as a marketing tool in global business.

She formed partnerships with supporting agencies and multinational firms were also a vital part of the success of L&IT, including the S.C. State Development Board, the S.C. Ports Authority, the U.S. Department of Commerce, and the many upstate multinational firms and their parent companies around the world.

Dr. Wannamaker also invested a lot of time and effort in recruiting high school students for visits to Clemson’s campus, and more specifically to provide information to the potential future Language and
International Trade majors.

Since its inception, the L&IT program has graduated more than 1,000 undergraduate students.

Of her induction, Dr. Wannamaker said, “Thank you so much for this great honor you all have bestowed upon me. The Language and International Trade baccalaureate program has exceeded my highest expectation as founding director. Congratulations to all of you for the continuing success of every aspect of the program, including the annual L&IT trade conference which supports the all-important networking aspect of L&IT.”